Never Saw It Coming

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AN: This is the very last chapter for Book 1! Watch for news on the sequel! Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz ~LoveLiving

Never Saw It Coming

Elena let out a breathy laugh as she surveyed the damage. It was over. It was finally over. Elena hugged the closest person to her, which just so happened to be Klaus. She jumped up wrapping her legs around his waist while giving him a hug, still laughing as she did so. "What's so funny, love?" Klaus peered confusedly down at the doppelgänger that was latched onto him. "It's over!" Was all she said while squeezing him closer to her. "Oh, it's far from over..." Elena's head shot toward the sound of Kol's voice and saw his mouth agape as he stared in the distance at something. Elena followed his line of vision letting go of Klaus once she saw what Kol was referring to. An extremely large coven of witches were walking toward the victorious group of vampires and hybrids alike. The coven was lead by Genevieve, the auburn haired witch that had blood jacked Klaus and Elena about a couple months ago. On her left was a surprising face. She was in her mid twenties with strawberry blond tresses and peculiar orange-ish eyes. The woman was Irene. Elena felt a growl rise from the depths of her chest. She could feel the tension in Tyler and the Original siblings as well. The people on Genevieve's other side are less surprising, but still gain a growl from the whole group. Esther and Mikael along with all of the witches stared the group down. the witches easily tripled maybe quadrupled the numbers of the small group that had defeated Marcel's vampires.

"Klaus," Genevieve said stiffly. "Surrender now and no blood has to be shed." Elena ground her teeth together in disgust and fury. "Now, now, Genevieve you should know from being in cahoots with Esther and Mikael that I love blood being shed." Klaus grinned maliciously as he stepped forward slightly. Elena backed him up growling at the witches. "Elena it might be time to call in the Calvary." Kol hissed quietly in her ear. Elena grunted before shifting into her white wolf. She filled her lungs with air before releasing it letting a blood curdling howl fill the air. A beckon to not only her pack, but any wolf that would help.

Elena turned to face the opposing threat as they descended upon the humorlessly outnumbered group. There was no way back up would make it before they were all hung out to dry. Elena kept on a brave front even though she knew it would be useless either way. The witches would bring an end to the group. "This is it! Were all gonna die!" Kol said, ever the overdramatic one. Elena looked in the now pitch black sky looking to see what the weather might be like when she died. But what she saw gave her a spark of hope. A) She had forgotten it was a full moon that night, which meant hybrids were stronger than usual. B) The full moon had just reached its apex. Back up would be here in a matter of minutes.

Fighting commenced, one would think that the witches would immediately use there witchy voodoo brain thingy, but Elena soon realized they were not trying to give anyone a brain aneurysm. That she found highly confusing. Elena looked around to see that the odds were beginning to turn in their favor. She let loose a happy yip as she ripped a witches head off with her teeth. Elena looked around for the lead witch in this fight, and saw the red-headed-devil-spawn on the sidelines with the bitch witch Irene and mommy and daddy dearest. She growled lowly as she. Slinked closer to the quartet. They were still unaware of the white she wolf that was stalking them as they surveyed looking at the werewolves and witches, and even a couple hybrids that lay motionless on the ground, blood pooling almost everywhere.

Once she was within pouncing distance she closed in jumping Irene who the others had failed to notice go down. Elena killed her expertly, though the witch hardly fought. Elena shifted into her human form, wrapped her hand around the now dull looking blond tresses holding the head up victoriously.

Blood still dripped from the head as Elena sauntered over to the newly made trio. she wore a canine like grin, with fangs showing, eyes glittering on the verge of being completely gold around her pupil. blood splattered all over, making her look as homicidal as Klaus. Which maybe she was, but she was protecting the ones she loved, and as she'd proven time and time again, she will kill for her family, now that family happened to include the ones she once thought to be her enemy.

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