Always and Forever

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Always and Forever

Elena had been driving for almost nine hours, there was still six and a half more to go before they'd arrive back in New Orleans. So far she had to stop five times, once because Kol and Rebekah insisted they were starving, three times because they had to use the bathroom, and once because Rebekah and Kol had started fighting in her car and she needed to pull over to break them apart. How could they call themselves one thousand years old when they acted like they were five? Elena thought begrudgingly. She had actually met more mature five year olds, and that was saying something.

"Elena!" Rebekah whined from the back seat, "When are we going to stop? I'm tired." Elena sighed heavily. They had just drove through a quaint little town five minutes ago! "We'll stop as soon as we reach the next city." Elena huffed through clenched teeth. Rebekah had the biggest grin on her face, Elena rolled her eyes at Rebekah which in turn earned her a glare. The next half hour was spent with Kol and Rebekah arguing over which superhero was cooler. "Spiderman is way cooler than Batman!" Rebekah disputed. "On the contrary little sister Batman has all the cool gadgets, plus he has the Batmobile and the Batcave!" "Well Spiderman can climb on the side of buildings, shoot webs out of his hands, and has the proportionate strength of a spider. Not to mention the Spidercycle!" Rebekah belittled her brothers opinion with her own. "Okay first of all he doesn't shoot webs out of his hands. He is like a scientist or something, He designed a dispenser that attaches to his wrist. That is how he shoots his webs. Second, Batman is a bad ass." Elena decided to intervene before things got hideous. "Okay, both Spiderman and Batman are equally cool. Now will you two SHUT. UP." Elena growled lowly. The vehicle became silent, but that silence was short lived as only moments later the two siblings were arguing all over again.

Around eleven pm Elena pulled into a fancy hotel, deciding that if she was going to have to put up with those two she was going to need a nice warm bath and a soft bed to sleep on.

Elena made sure Caroline saw that they were stopping at the hotel. As she pulled into a parking space she saw Caroline's Fiesta edging into the parking lot. Elena walked right into the luxurious hotel. The whole hotel had this aura that was so unlike most other hotels, it was muggy, but an exotic kind of mugginess. Which is understandable because there were plants and trees everywhere. In the distance Elena could see a pool with a hot tub a few feet away, it was surrounded by these trees, like it was part of a jungle, and the pool was like a man made oasis. The shimmering water was crystalline in appearance and looked oh so warm. The front desk was located at the corner of the room, behind the desk along with three people was a door which lead to a room filled with an assortment of monitors, some showing the parking lot while others showed hallways, the front desk, and even that room. Elena strides toward the front desk with purpose. A red headed lady in her late thirties was typing away furiously at a keyboard. The woman ignored the group; continuing on with her incessant typing. "Ahem," Elena cleared her throat rather loudly. The lady just hummed under her breath. Her eyes remained glued to the monitor screen. "Welcome, what can I do for you." Her tone was extremely monotone, and the woman in general was really starting to get on Elena's nerves. "I would like two of your largest rooms. ASAP." Elena snapped. The woman's eyes widened as she looked up at Elena. "And on top of that all, whenever someone comes in here I want you to do your job." Elena demanded, compelling the lady. "Oh and you are going to give me the keys to our room, and by the time morning comes you are going to forget we were ever here. Have a nice night." Caroline's eyes nearly shot out of her head as she listened to her friend. It was like seeing a whole new person in Elena's body. Jeremy was just as surprised, usually his sister was calm and understanding. She wouldn't be okay with compelling people on a whim. "What? She couldn't remember that we were ever here." Elena looked between her brother and Caroline, willing them to test her if they dared. As the lady handed her keys Elena stormed off to find their rooms The rest of the group hot on her heels.

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