Chapter 4

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A/n: Hello fellow readers. Just to break it to ya, I do not own any of the characters. Also thanks for reading. Now on to the story...

Y/n= Your Name

L/n= Last name 

Italics= thoughts

"Nice to meet you Hikaru and Kaoru. I am Y/n L/n." 

"Why do you wear a hat inside?" I believe Kaoru asked. 

"I have my reasons." I say giving them a glare. "Anyways what are you guys? Like are you meisters or weapons?"

"Well for now we are weapons without a meister as no one can really fit our personalities?" ~H

"Hmm well I do not have any weapons and so if you want to you can become my weapons if you like?" They look at each other for a moment then telepathically decided.

"We will." They say in sync again. They truly amaze me and their synchronization. In the end I found out they are actually new here as well so yay me. We walked into our new class and saw everyone seated and staring at us as we walk in. Actually scratch that the guys were staring at me the girls were swooning over the twins.

"Oh you must be the new students. Let's make this quick." 

I like this guy he is straight to the point.

"Hello, I am Y/n L/n and these two are-"

"The Hitachiin brothers." They interrupt me as they start making a grand entrance staying in sync the whole time. I look over to see an admiring Kid and girls who are keeping in their fangirling. 

"Also known as Hikaru and Kaoru."

"Okay go sit down in the back. By the way I am your teacher, Professor Stein." I gave him a nod as me and the twins walk up to our seats, us getting stares at every now and then. I ended up in the middle of the two and well let's just say class will not ever be boring.

~Time Skipeee~

Class was great and I love the twins they are just hilarious and fun to be around. Although we almost got caught once laughing in class after they made a joke about Professor Stein but we are still alive so we are good. Me and the Hitachiin brothers are share some similar personality traits as we love to make fun of people, we like pulling pranks, and doing all that but we also like to pick on couples. We can be so cruel sounding to others but in the short day we had together we know so much about one another. We probably could make Black Star embarrassed as from the way I first met him he sounds like the kind most can't embarrass except us. (Author is lazy and we all know how Black Star likes to introduce himself so nothing happened and I didn't want to put a filler part so yeah)  Now we are walking out of the Death Cafe we stopped at to get to know each other better.

"So Y/n where do you live?" ~K

"Why do you want to know?" 

"So that we can visit you and stuff."

"Oh, um well you see I, well for now, live with Kid. Death the Kid." All they did was smirk. 

I am doomed I am going to be teased not until the end of the world comes. 

"Oh really..."~H and K

I just nod.

"Ok." ~H and K

"Wh-" I cut myself off not wanting to ruin my saved self.

"Oh don't worry we are still going to tease you." ~H


Once we reached to my stop we waved each other goodbye and they just smirked. I was  so tempted to go out there and wipe that smirk off but I couldn't because I know that I will have my day where I can tease them. I look at the clock that was in the Kitchen to find that it was past 8 not knowing if Kid would be mad at me or not I decide to quietly and sneakily go to my room. I opened the door to my room feeling proud that I made it here successfully, until I turned around. 

"Where were you?" Kid was there on my bed. The bed sheets were all messed up so I am guessing I may have stressed him but I don't see why I could I barely just met him. 

"I was getting to know Hikaru and Kaoru." I tell him although I sounded very scared but I don't see why. Actually I think I can know why he looks so unsymmetrical more than just his hair and that is VERY NOT NORMAL. Very great English. (I know right I should teach it.) 

"Y/n why didn't you invite me?" ~K


"Did you see their symmetry it was beautiful they were a gift from god and they must never lose such symmetry they possess."

I am at loss for words.

A/n: Hello from the other side~ Anyways just to let you know I will not be able to write a new chapter on Sunday next week as I will be not be around to type it but I will write the next chapter just not on Sunday. I will write it Friday instead. In any case thanks for reading my FF now enjoy the rest of your day.>w<

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