Chapter 20

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A/n: Ok, before it begins I want to give a shout out to @Mermaidfuzzytail for helping me with the last few chapters. So thank you for doing that I really appreciated it. Disclaimer I do not own the characters.

The song you can just listen to while you read, I was listening to it while typing this and thought it will go well with the mood, but you don't have to  it is not required.

Y/n= your name


"It really depends."-K

"Go on."

"Some people are not so happy but other than that no one says anything."-K

"Does that mean everyone at school knows about us now?"


"They are not saying anything bad about you right?"

"Well it isn't me who they are talking about exactly."-K

"Oh." My ears drooped as this is exactly what I wanted to run away from. (Chapter 13, if you don't remember)

"But don't worry because they don't know how amazing you are and if they did they would regret everything."-K 

"Kid you can't change the way people see witches and I am a witch."

"No you are not a witch. Witches are not you and that is exactly what they are missing. If they can't figure out themselves that if you were like the other witches then I am going to somehow prove to them that you aren't."-K

"Kid, it would be better for me to just leave Death City and go home. I am not accepted here I understand now more than ever why my mom never showed herself to humans of any sort."

"Y/n, please don't go things could still work out."-K

"How though Kid, this can't change."

"Then don't show them what they want, if you leave they would assume they were right and I would not be the same after that. I could not let you leave even if everyone forbids it."-K

"Why, what do you see in me that made you like me so much. Why didn't you just throw me out like what everyone else would do."

"That is because I met you, the most symmetrical person alive, the most confident,the strongest, the bravest, the funniest, the person who helps everyone one way or another, the most adorable, cutest and beautiful person I have met. I couldn't let someone who I love so much to leave me just like that and like I said before and I will say again because I love you."-K

I was moved, he always knows the exact words to say and because of that I couldn't leave him. I am not the witch that everyone wants to think I am and because of that I regret for even thinking like a coward. I had a reason to stay and never again would I think of leaving because my purpose lies here, in Death City, with Kid. What more of a reason could I need, even though the world has turned on me doesn't mean that I should give up immediately, opinions change and it starts right here with my own.

"Thank you Kid, I love you too." I embraced him in a hug and he quickly returns it. "I'll stay and I am going to do everything I can to change everyone's opinion of me one step at a time and even if all else fails, as long as I have you then I will be fine."

"And as long as you are with me I will make sure you can get through it all."-K

~Time skippee~

Kid had left a while ago and Lord Death and the twins came back in with all knowledge of what had happened, Lord Death also gave his opinion why I should stay which wasn't all nonsense and so did the twins which made me feel very emotional because I never thought that my partnership with the twins was so deep.

"Y/n please don't leave,"-H

"We don't want you to leave."-Ka

"What do you mean?"

"You are the only person who has been able to be our meister because our souls are a lot like Black Star, there is only one type of person who would be able to deal with us."-Ka

"And ever since we found you the more and more we couldn't just let you go so easily. You are one of a kind, no one is like you and that is exactly what everyone needs in this world."-H

"Someone like you."-H, and Ka

"Don't worry I am not leaving and I wouldn't live with myself if I even did."

They  smiled and Lord Death hugged me. There was only an hour left to be at the school then I could go back home and tomorrow is going to be one enthusiastic day for me. For now though Lord Death is telling me stories about young Kid.

"So one time it was before his mother died Kid met this person, I don't remember exactly who as it was a long time ago but I remember that they had only met once before the young girl and her family left again for unknown reasons, but anyways that day I remember Kid talking a lot about her. He never really talked much to people then but I remember he said things like, 'She is different from everyone else' or 'she is one of a kind'. Your conversation with Kid earlier reminded me exactly of that day."

Something happened to me which made me faint, I don't exactly know why but it scared the other three to death when I wasn't responding. I saw images, but not just any random images, they were memories.

A/n: OK now that is over thanks for reading my chapter. Y/n had a huge character development in this one. Hope you liked the chapter, goodbye my fellow readers.

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