Chapter 22

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A/n: Hello readers! Here is chapter 22. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

Y/n= your name

Italics= thoughts

It has been a week now, a week since Kid's birthday, since Halloween, and a week for me to think of what I am missing.

So I have finally came to the conclusion that my memories need to come back but how is the question. Should I hit myself with a bat or something? Although if I used a spell it would just end up hurting my head and nothing else, so maybe not. What if... you know what never mind.

I look off in the distance in Kid's chair, in the Death Room, as I think of how to get my memories back. Hikaru and Kaoru are at lunch so I am alone in here with Lord Death. Kid had came by earlier as I turned into my wolf self but I now should be good for the rest of the school day but I still began to question my memories.

Why did I get rid of them in the first place if I did? If I had hurt myself I am sure I would have known so why don't I remember that. If I didn't get hurt though and instead I erased them with a spell then maybe I should try to find a remember spell of some sorts. Maybe Lord Death knows of one?

"Hey Lord Death?"

"Yes Y/n?"-LD

"Do you know any witch spells involving memories?"

"I honestly am not one who knows of spells. Although I am sure that you can find it if you look in the right place."-LD

"Huh, ok."

Let's see I only know of one place that I can look at and see if I could find it. Which means I need to take a visit home. The day went by quickly, and I left quickly without saying any hello's to my friends. I passed through the city streets on foot as it was to bright out that I would have been seen if I did other transportation methods. Then when I was out of the city and in the forest I ran transforming into my wolf self and I did for a while until I made it to the required destination, home.

"It has been one week since I have seen you I hope you have what I am looking for."

I went in taking my human form back and walked upstairs. Right across the stairs stood the one room I hid from Kid and myself the last time we came as I didn't want to come into this room not this soon anyways. I walked toward the wall and placed my hand on it. The "wall" began shatter and I saw the actual wall, the one with a door. I slowly opened the door and a smell immediately greeted me.

"Hi mom, dad. It has been a while." The blanket was taken off of them and I could see their decayed body. Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw this horrific scene and the smell wasn't helping either as my tears fell down my face. "Why? Why would this happen to you guys?"

No response as expected. I stood there for a little while trying to stop the tears but they kept coming. I was beginning to speak nonsense but I then remembered my purpose here and I knew that crying here like this is stupid. Yes tears are healthy for you but I know that right now I have to be strong and carry on. I took a few deep breaths and some sniffles and then began to talk like the weirdo I am.

"I am sorry that I am crying like this I know you told me not to but I really miss you guys and I am sure you would have loved to meet Kid. I am so sorry I should've been able to done something but I didn't." No response. "I really need to shut up." I gave a sad laugh. "Well I hope you are happy and that you can help me out with humans back in Death City, please do."

I gave another deep breath and went over to a shelf that was filled with dust and spider webs. I coughed as I wiped some dust away but when it cleared I saw the book I used for years to study spells with. I grabbed it and sat down on the floor with it. I scanned every page looking for it and was beginning to lose doubt but there was still one page left.

"Come on please." I turned the page and there was nothing. I sighed sadly and went to put the book back. I put it away only to see a book next to it that catches my eye.

"Advanced spells." I turned the page. "Please do not try these kind of spells on humans of any sorts."

I looked through the book to see manipulation spells, love spells, and spells for death, but the one that got my attention was a memory spell. I looked at the page and read how to get rid of memories.

'"To get of memories is very dangerous and can easily go wrong but in any case to do it you must cut your finger deeply and enchant the following spell if you did it correctly you should be able to see you memories escape through the blood in your finger if not, well many things could happen.' So does that mean I failed in getting my memories taken away or not?"

I looked at the bottom page to see a page number with the words, "counter-spell". I turned to that page and began to read it as well.

"To regain lost memories you need to go into your soul and take what you lost."

I looked at the page with confusion as I needed to understand more. For example, how to get into my soul, and how to take back what I lost? The whole reason I am looking in this book is to get back what I lost but it just tells me exactly what I have been needing to find out. Like no duh Sherlock. I groaned in frustration a growl escaped my lips as well. I huffed and slammed the book close. I put it away and sighed as I knew I wasn't going to get the answer I probably wanted I would need to deduce my findings.

"How about I give it a shot."

I closed my eyes and when I opened them again it was black and the only soul I saw was my own and I tried for a good 30 minutes trying to reach into my soul but nothing happened. I closed and reopened my eyes again to see my deceased parents and then a question came into my head.

"How come I couldn't see their souls?" I pondered for a few minutes thinking of random conclusions but my conclusions came to a close as I transformed unwillingly. "Dang it I need to get home."

I ran out of the house and was running for a while until I was suddenly pounced on. The pounce was so strong and sudden that it caught my off guard. I ended up hitting my head on a tree and passing out which is NOT good if you were just attacked.

A/n: Welp that's the end for this chapter. Hoped you enjoyed it, have a good day.

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