Chapter 2: The Note.

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'I'm so fancy, you already know' my phone alarms me that it's time to wake up. I turn my alarm off. I walk over to my closet and pull out a black v-neck, red cami, and red skinny jeans and black combat boots. It's pretty chilly today.

I took a shower last night so I won’t have to take one this morning. I go to the bathroom and did my make-up I put my usual eyeliner and mascara. Then looked at my hair I brushed it and put it in a messy bun with my side burns out and a red Under Amour headband.

I went back to my room and grabbed my bag and my phone and went down stairs and grabbed a water and my keys and left. I got to school and went to my locker and got the books I needed for my first to classes and headed to class when I was stopped by a girl with long light brown hair, a lot of makeup, fake boobs, and looks like a nose job stopped me. 

"Are you the new girl?" She says

"Yea?" I said in an unfriendly tone.

"Stay away from Ryan, he's mine, got it."

"Well, um, he's only my friend, nothing more but whatever bye." I said walking past her bumping her shoulder making her drop her books. 

"Watch your back, bitch!" She says before I enter the room. I take my seat next to Ryan. 

"So what was that all about?” Ryan asks as I place my books in order from biggest to smallest. I have OCD I have to have things in order.

"Oh, um you mean that girl out there, she came up to me and warned me to watch my back." I said like it was no big deal. I wasn't that scared

"What did she warn you of?" Ryan asked.

"To stay away from you because you’re hers. I just told her that we were only friends nothing more." I said.

"Her name is Tasha. I dated her last year we broke up because she cheated on me." Ryan said.

"Nice to know, and I'm not all that scared of her. She looks like she had a nose job and plastic surgery.” Ryan laughed as the bell rang the teacher came in and started class.

“Okay class I would like you open your textbooks to page 115 and read to page 200. You have the whole class time to read. This is History, this is really easy for me. I open my text book and I find a piece of paper in it, it says

‘Listen, and listen good bitch. Stay away from Ryan and you won’t get hurt, GOT IT! If you don’t you will soon see what will happened’

~Xoxo, Tasha! <3  

“What’s that?” Ryan asked.

“Oh um, nothing just a note my mom put in my book to tell me that she is going be working late tonight” I said hoping that he will believe me, I’m not the best liar.

‘ring’ goes the bell saying that History is over. Now to English. Not my favorite subject but whatever.  English  went surprisingly fast its now lunch time. I’m not hungry today so I just go sit down.

“You not eating today?” A dirty blonde guy down the table asks.

“No, I’m not really hungry today.” I say.

“My name is James.”


“Babe, don’t talk to that anorexic whore, she is trying to steal Ryan from Tasha.” A blonde haired girl that is sitting across the table from James says.

“Just so you know, I am not anorexic nor do I like Ryan that way, I like him as a friend and as a friend ONLY.” I say before getting up and walking to the courtyard. I pass Ryan on the way out.

“Where are you going?” He asks.

“Away from that table and away from you.” I snap yanking my arm out of his grasp. He was brought back by my voice but I didn’t care. I wanted away from his as soon as possible.

I go to the side of the building and sit against the wall, pulling my knees to my chest the just crying my eyes out. I felt a pair of heavy arms around my shoulders, I look up to see Ryan.

“I told you go away!” I snapped.

“I know but I’ve learned to never leave a friend alone no matter what they say.” He said.

“I’m sorry I snapped I just can’t take this. I that note in my History book wasn’t from my mom it was from Tasha." I pulled the not out of my pocket and gave it to him.

"I'm going to put a stop to this!" He said madly. He was furious. But I don't know why though. "Come on." He said lowering his hand for me to take it so I did he took his thumb and wiped my tears away and at this point I am very thankful for water proof make up. 

We walked into the lunchroom and went to where Tasha was eating. 

"Hey babe...." She said to Ryan and trailed off. "What is she doing here." She said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Nice to see you to." I said sarcastically 

"It speaks!" She said with a shocked expression. How I want to punch her in the face. Before I knew it I hear a smack, she did not just smack me oh its on.

I punch her in the face and i probably broke her fake nose. I try punching her again but Ryan grabs my waist. 

"Get off of me" I sream and squirm out of Ryan's gasp and punch Tasha right in her jaw now she's on the floor she pulls me with her. By now I got the whole lunch room watching. I keep punching her until the principal pulls me off of her. 

"What in God's name happened in here!" Mr. Hathaway yelled. 

"Well I was just sitting here eating and Taylor comes over attacking me. 

"Is that true Ms. Brown." 

"Not even close, and by the way she fights like a fucking pussy." The lunch room grows with laughter.

"Go to class everyone, there is nothing to see, go or everyone get detention, Taylor, Tasha, James, and Ryan. In my office NOW!" She demanded.


Comment what you think of the book so far. 

~Xoxo, Suzhanna<3

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