Deep happy

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Broken and scarred.
Deep down in thoughts that reside in the front and the back of a mind.
Still smiling
Even though they are falling.

Despair and regret there it is in their hair.
Yet, they laugh and say I'm okay.
Smiling still smiling.
Pain it's the game that seems to always be played.

They keep hoping for the darkness to decay, and the anxiety to reside.
Mistakes a snake that coils around their throats.
Yet, as the faces turn blue they're still smiling.

The world moves by, and no one no longer says hi, are you alright?
because of a smile.

Yet, pain is always hide beneath the teeth,
right up the spinal column to the mind.
Smiling still smiling as the world is in flames.

Depression, and anxiety doesn't hide behind a cloak of doom, but right behind the happy room.
Each soul rather seemed gloom or felicitous needs to be dug into.
You may never know what hides behind "happy".

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