Chapter 10

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Blaine calls the office of Amanda Williams that afternoon, and books an appointment on Thursday for a consultation. He knows he won't be able to be there, because of his own work schedule, but he also knows that Kurt doesn't want him there, probably won't ever want him there the way things are progressing. He goes ahead and gives them his credit card information, even though he knows it's a really stupid thing to do. He's never seen this place, he doesn't know this woman, but it's either that or send Kurt and Santana off on their own with access to his bank account, and that would be an even stupider thing to do, he knows. He might love Kurt, but he doesn't trust him. Not anymore.

He calls Santana to tell her the time and place, and it goes straight to the generic voice-mail with the bland-voiced man telling him that 'that the user is not available'. He hopes she's out getting food, and wonders if he should print them out a few recipes. Half an hour later he's a click away from purchasing a crock-pot for them on Amazon before realizing just how meddlesome that would be. If there is one way to surely alienate himself, it is trying to act like a parent to Kurt and Santana, like they are errant children incapable of anything. He shuts down his computer and goes to make his own dinner.

He doesn't hear back from Santana.


He still hasn't heard back from her on Thursday, the day of the appointment. He has no idea whether Kurt ever got there or not, or whether Amanda Williams has promised to help him, or is some sort of elaborate scam artist. He hates it. He hates being just as invested in this as they are, yet being tossed to the side, continually used and then discarded. He hates that he can lose so much, and isn't allowed control over any of it.

Once he gets home from work, he tries calling Santana again. It rings this time, before sending him back to voicemail. Blaine curses and shucks his tie across the room. He heads for his bedroom and changes into a sweater and jeans before heading right back out the door.

He takes a moment in the elevator to consider his options. He realizes that, with fifty thousand dollars now out of his hands, even if he knows he has funds to back him up, it might be a smart idea to start braving the subway every once in a while. One thought of the state of the subway at five-thirty in the afternoon, however, is enough to convince him that his adventures in public transportation can wait. He hails a taxi instead.

Darling Place is devoid of life when he arrives. No boys on doorsteps, no cars pulling in or out, no strolling couples. Blaine pays the cabbie and stumbles out into the light covering of snow dusting the pavement. There's a slick sheen of ice leading up the steps to Kurt and Santana's door, and Blaine nearly slips at the top before catching himself on the door handle. His hands scrabble against the wood as he rights himself and then knocks briskly.

"Kurt? Santana? It's Blaine, can you let me..."

The door slams open, and Kurt's face replaces the peeling paint. "Hey," he chirps. "We're making burgers, you want one?"

Blaine can't help but think that he could know Kurt for a thousand years, and still be continually surprised by him. He never does what Blaine thinks he will. It's unnerving, exciting, and every time Blaine can't help but love him a little bit more for it.

"I don't want to bother you," he stammers.

Kurt shrugs. "Well, you already are, so might as well eat, right?"

"Thanks for that."

"No problem." Kurt swings out of the way and ushers Blaine inside before closing the door. "Just throw your coat on the floor."

Blaine does as ordered. The smell of meat cooking has already permeated the hallway, and he just hear the sizzling of someone working in the kitchen.

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