Harry's POV
We were driving to the studio to work on our album that was being released soon when Niall got a phone call. We didn't know it at the time, but it changed our lives forever. I could see it in Niall's face, something was wrong. Liam, Zayn, and Louis were all preoccupied on their phones and didn't notice. Niall hadn't even said a word yet. Who is he talking to? All of a sudden Niall ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. His face looked even more pale than normal.
"Okay, I'll take the first flight out." He said as he hung up the phone. This got everyone's attention very quickly. We were all looking at Niall, but he couldn't find the words to say anything.
"Niall, what's wrong?" I asked.
"It's my parents. They've been in an accident, and they're in the hospital." Niall replied with a shaky voice.
"Oh my gosh that's terrible. I'm so sorry, Niall. Do you want us to go with you to see them?" Louis asked.
"No it's fine. I'm sure it will only be a day or two before they recover. They're strong people." Niall said, probably trying to convince himself that everything would be okay.
"What about your little sister? Is she okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, Camryn's alright. She was at school when it happened." He replied.
"Who's looking after her right now?" I questioned.
"I don't know. That's what I'm worried about. We don't have any other family in Mullingar. She's only eight years old, and she's all alone in some hospital. She must be freaking out." He said, starting to stress again.
"Don't worry, Niall. We'll get you to your family." Zayn comforted him.
We asked the driver to take us to the airport right away, so Niall could get the first flight out to Mullingar. After arriving, we walked in with him and got him a plane ticket. We went as far as we could go with him, but had to say our good-bye's at security. I gave Niall a hug and squeezed him reassuringly.
"Call us as soon as you know what's going on, okay?" He nodded and said good bye to the rest of the guys. We waited until we couldn't see Niall anymore then decided to go back to the car.
"I don't think we should work on the music until Niall is back." Louis stated. We all agreed.
"Where should I take you boys?" The driver asked.
"Home, please." I answered him. We all live together in a big house, because it makes things a lot easier if we are with each other all the time. And of course none of us have ever lived on our own, so our Mums agreed this would be best for us. It was a silent ride back to our house. So much had just happened, and we couldn't quite take it all in just yet.
As we walked in the door, it felt weird not having Niall around. It didn't feel like home right now. We all sat in the living room the way we always do when we need to have a group talk. I looked over at Niall's chair, empty. It made me upset to think about how long he might be gone for. We all just looked around. There was really nothing to say.
"I couldn't imagine if that phone call was about my parents. I don't know what I'd do with myself. Poor Niall." Liam frowned and shook his head.
"We need to be there for Niall every step of the way through this. Whenever he calls we all need to be around that phone comforting him together." Louis stated. He usually runs these types of meetings. He's just a natural leader. Then again he is the oldest member of the group.
"But what if it's worse than we think? What if something goes terribly wrong?" I asked, having a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I didn't mean to worry anyone, but I couldn't help it.
"We can't think that way, okay?" Louis said.
"But-" I started, but was immediately interrupted by Louis.
"No buts." Louis demanded. "We can only live in the present, not the future." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. I didn't feel like getting another lesson in Louis Tomlinson's words of wisdom. I just couldn't help the way I truly felt inside. Something felt wrong to me. I buried my face in my hands and felt someone rubbing my back comfortingly.
"I know you like to worry about things, Harry. Everything's going to be okay. I promise." Louis assured me.
"How do you know?" I asked looking up at him.
"Something good always comes out of something bad." He said. Oh great. More words of wisdom. Thanks, Lou.
"How can something good come out of this?" I asked.
"Only time will tell. You just have to be patient." Louis said. I sighed and rubbed my face to relieve some stress.
"Hey, he just texted me. He said he's boarding the plane right now." Liam announced.
"Tell him we love him and be safe." Zayn said. Liam nodded and texted him right away. I was still worried and didn't know why. Hopefully Louis' right about something good coming out of this terrible situation. All we can do is wait now.

Our Baby Girl
FanfictionNiall's parents passed away in a fatal car accident, which left him to take care of his eight year old sister. Camryn now has to live and travel with her older brother and his four band mates. Can the boys manage to take care of Camryn and keep thei...