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Louis' POV

We were now backstage for our last show of the Up All Night Tour. None of us could believe that our first tour was already coming to an end. Before running on stage for the very last time this tour, we all kissed Camryn's forehead for good luck. She seemed just as emotional as we were about it ending. The fans were cheering louder than ever when we jogged onstage. We knew they were going to be extra supportive tonight, so we figured we'd give them a show they'd never forget. We were singing our hearts out and having fun, just as we hoped for. The show was going perfectly, and everyone was having fun. Every so often I glanced over at Camryn, who was singing along with all of our songs from backstage. Before we knew it, it was time for us to sing our last song.

"I'd just like to say a massive thank you to every single one of you for making the last show of this tour a memorable one. You guys have been there for us since the beginning, and we owe all of this to you. Thank you for making our lives incredible. We love you." I said. 

"This is 'I Want'.  I want everyone on their feet and singing as loud as you can!" Liam said before the music began. The last song was definitely the most fun song. It was exactly how I pictured this tour to end. I couldn't help but feel a bit emotional as the song neared its end. It ended before I would've liked. After the song, we brought it in for a big group hug. 

"I love you guys." Liam said while patting my back. 

"This tour was amazing. We're seriously just getting started, boys." Harry said. 

"I can't wait for next year." Niall chimed in. 

"Before we know it, we'll be hitting the studio in a couple weeks to make more music." Zayn added.

We broke from the hug, and walked up to the front of the stage together. We linked arms before taking our final bow. I gazed upon the crowd in absolute awe. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world to be able to call this my job. We waved once more before walking off stage. After gathering our things and boarding the plane, we all sat down close together to reflect on everything we had accomplished in the past few months. 

"Well now that the tour is over what're we gonna do with ourselves?" Niall chuckled. 

"The first thing I'm doing is going home." Harry said. 

"Yeah, visiting the family for a bit is much needed." I agreed. 

"After I see my family I'm going on vacation." Zayn said while running his fingers through his hair. 

"I'm taking my family to Disney Land. Where are you going for vacation, Z?" Liam asked. 

"I don't know. Probably some remote island, so I can sleep in peace. I have some catching up to do thanks to you lot." Zayn chuckled jokingly. 

"What're you doing, Ni?" I asked. 

"I was thinking Cam and I would take a sibling vacation to Spain." Niall smiled and looked at Camryn. 

"Really?" Camryn smiled. 

"Yeah, does that sound fun?" He asked. 

"Yeah!" Camryn smiled and nodded excitedly. "When do we leave?" She asked curiously. 

"We fly out tomorrow morning." Niall said. 

"Tomorrow? Sweet!" Camryn squealed. 

"It's gonna be weird not seeing you all for a couple weeks." I said. 

"Yeah, but we all deserve a break." Harry said. 

"I don't wanna wish our break away, but I feel like it'll go by quick." Liam said.

"I hope not." Zayn said. Camryn sighed and played with the hem of her shirt.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked her. Camryn just shrugged, keeping her eyes casted down. "No, don't give me that. Tell me." He said.

"I'm just gonna miss everyone." She admitted quietly.

"We're gonna miss you too, Cam." I smiled and patted her knee. 

"Once you're in Spain you'll forget all about us." Harry teased.

"Nuh uh!" Camryn giggled. 

"You better not get any boyfriends in Spain. If you do, I will fly all the way there and kick his butt. Don't think I won't." Harry warned her. 

"Are you forgetting her big brother will be there? I won't any boy even look at her." Niall said seriously. 

"You guys stink." Camryn pouted. 

"That's right. All boys stink. You don't need stinky boys, except for us five." Harry said.

"Well if I can't have a boyfriend, you guys can't have girlfriends." Camryn said while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh yeah?" Niall chuckled. 

"Yup." Camryn nodded with a victorious grin.

"We'll see about that." Niall chuckled. 

"Yes we will." Camryn giggled and nodded. 

"You're a little stinker. You know that?" Niall chuckled and tickled her sides. 

"No! Quit, Niall!" Camryn giggled and tried to squirm out of his lap. 

"Am I the best brother in the world?" Niall asked while tickling her.

"Yes!" Camryn giggled and pushed his hands away. "You're so mean." Camryn smirked and playfully slapped his knee. 

"It's my job." Niall smiled and wrapped his arms around her protectively. "You should probably get some sleep. It's getting late." 

"Okay." Camryn sighed. "Good night." She said to everyone. We all wished her good night in return.

"Love you." Niall hummed. 

"Love you too." Camryn smiled. 

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