Camryn's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night feeling absolutely disgusting. I was sweaty and nauseous, which doesn't make for a good start to my day. I knew I was never gonna get myself to fall back asleep like this, so I decided to try and go get some water from the kitchen. I slowly slipped out of bed and nearly fell over I was so dizzy. Is this what drunk people felt like? Once I steadied myself, I started making my way downstairs. The trek felt longer than normal, but when I did finally make it I quickly grabbed a water from the fridge and started guzzling it like I was stuck in the middle of the desert. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to help because my head started throbbing minutes after I emptied the water.
"Mm." I whimpered and wobbled over to the living room while holding my stomach. I ached all over, but my stomach was the worst. I knew I wasn't going to make it back upstairs, so I laid down on the couch and curled up under the blanket. I decided to close my eyes, even though I knew I probably wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon. I was too focused on my pain to drift off to sleep. I felt like I was staring into a black hole for days before I could see the sunrise through the window. Finally, someone would be coming to my rescue soon. Hopefully. I suddenly felt my eyelids start to get heavier by the second, and before I knew it I was asleep again.
"Cam? Hey, wake up." I heard a familiar voice say while rubbing my arm. I fluttered my eyes open and immediately groaned at the headache that came back as soon as I was awake.
"Ow." I whimpered and put my hand on my forehead.
"What's wrong?" Niall asked worriedly. "Are you sick?" No, Niall. I feel amazing right now.
"Yeah." I whined. Cue the tears. I really don't have a high pain tolerance.
"What hurts?" He asked and moved my hand before replacing it with his. "Jesus, you're burning up."
"Everything." I sniffled and rubbed my eyes.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" He asked.
"I was going too, but I couldn't make it back upstairs."
"Have you thrown up?" He sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear.
"Mm mm." I said while shaking my head.
"Well that's good at least. I'll go get you something, sit tight." He hummed before walking off. This is just my luck. Summer is coming to a close for me, and of course I get sick. This stinks. Niall came back with a waste basket and thermometer before kneeling in front of me.
"If you feel like you're about to throw up, try to make it in the trash okay?" He told me
"Okay." I nodded.
"Open." Niall said. I groaned, but did as I was told. He slid the thermometer under my tongue, and closed my mouth.
"Ni-" I started, but was immediately stopped by Niall.
"No talking, stay still." He said while keeping a grip on my chin to make sure I wouldn't move. How rude. When a little beep went off from my mouth, he finally took the thermometer out and looked at it.
"What's the verdict, doc?" Harry asked out of nowhere. When the heck did he get here?
"Oh, hey. I didn't see you." Niall hummed and looked back at the thermometer. "I'm not a doctor, but she definitely is sick."
"No." I whined and rubbed my eyes. Maybe if I threw a fit the sickness would go away. Sounds about right.
"Sorry, Cam." Harry hummed and kissed my forehead.
"Can you try and sit up so you can take some medicine?" Niall asked.
"I don't know." I whimpered. I felt like I was gonna faint last time I got up, so don't blame me for being apprehensive about it.
"I'll help you." Niall said before slowly tilting my body upright.
"What's this?" I asked while observing the pills he placed in my hands.
"Drugs." He responded sarcastically. "It's Tylenol you goof, what else would it be?" He chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"Leave me alone, I'm sick you know." I pouted before shoving the pills to the back of my mouth and swallowing them down with water.
"Oh thank you for telling me, I had no idea." Niall chuckled.
"Mm." I whined and handed the water back to Niall.
"Those should help your headache, but unfortunately your fever is going to have to go down on its own." Niall hummed. "If it doesn't get better by tomorrow, I'll have to take you to the doctor." He said. No way Jose! I was not about to go see a scary doctor so they could poke me with needles. Thanks, but no thanks.
"Can you put on the TV?" I asked while laying back down.
"Sure." Niall hummed.
"Thanks." I grumbled while trying to get comfortable.
"Try and get some rest, okay?" He said.
"I'll be back to check on you in a bit, and then the TV goes off and you're going down for a nap." He told me. A nap? What am I? Two? I better get well soon, because doctor Niall stinks. What a great way to end this summer.

Our Baby Girl
FanficNiall's parents passed away in a fatal car accident, which left him to take care of his eight year old sister. Camryn now has to live and travel with her older brother and his four band mates. Can the boys manage to take care of Camryn and keep thei...