Chapter 5: Clash and Confusion

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The flood lights were almost blinding when Theo stepped on to the lacrosse pitch. He could see Scott and the remnants of his pack, Malia and Liam, at the other end, waiting for the return of their friends. The lights silhouetted them in such a way that he could not make out their expressions. He could probably guess them though; confusion and anger, because he hadcome without his hostages. As he got closer, their faces became clear. He had been right.

"Where are they Theo?" asked Scott, moving a few steps forward, almost meeting Theo.

"I don't have them, as you can see." Theo gestured to the obviously empty space around him. Liam growled. "And when I said 'I', I meant we." Two of his chimeras emerged from the shadows by the bleachers; Hayden and Tracy. They had proved to be two of his best and most loyal fighters. Hayden had come on leaps and bounds since Liam had been taken out of the equation.

Liam's growl cut off into stunned silence as he laid eyes on Hayden. Scott's jaw hardened and he was silent for a long moment. "When I said there would be a fight if you didn't bring them, I was not kidding." Scott looked Theo right in the eyes as he said this, testing him almost.

"I know that. I thought I would even up the fight a little, with your pack being halved. You, Liam and Malia against the three of us. Tracy, let's get this over with." On Theo's command, Tracy sprinted towards Liam, who had started up his growl again, punching him square in the face. There was another moment of stunned silence and Theo took it as a chance to change and lunge then swipe at Scott.

Scott swerved his claws, changing himself, red alpha eyes blazing. "You're stupid Theo, I'm an alpha." Theo landed a kick to Scott's stomach, knocking him back a few steps.

"You might be the alpha, Scott, but I am the first chimera. The Dread Doctors have enhanced me. I can match you and I could defeat you." Scott rushed forward with a roar, taking Theo by surprise, allowing him to tear a slash down his right cheek.

The time for words was over. Now it was blow for blow, tooth and claw. Next to Theo, Malia stood over Hayden, swiping down at her with sharp claws, causing her to yelp. The sound distracted Liam, leaving him open to a slash from Tracy's kanima tail. Having taken Hayden down, Malia tried to join in with Scott's fight. Scott flashed his eyes at her, ordering her to stand down without any words.

It took a few more minutes and many more hits and cuts for Scott and Theo to realise that they had reached a stalemate. At this rate, they would both die, or collapse, at the hands of the other. Scott winced every time her moved and his shirt was blood stained. Theo could taste the metallic taste of blood in his mouth and was sure that Scott had managed to crack some of his ribs. "Stop. Tracy get Hayden and go back. Treat your wounds, we train as usual tomorrow."

"No. I'm going to see this fight through, we all are." Scott was out of breath, not looking like an alpha at all."

"Scott we're too evenly matched. I know it. You know it. We'll fight again when one of us could lose. And it won't be me." Theo turned to walk away and winced at the movement. Scott was a great fighter, powerful, strong. Theo had to be stronger.


Theo slammed Stiles' food tray down on to the desk. He had retrieved a vintage bottle of God knows what from the old and dusty staff room. Back when the doctors and nurses used to work here, it seemed that they had liked to drink on the job. Theo had first gotten the bottle to help with his wounds. Then he had started drinking the alcohol to numb the sting of the alcohol. He found that to be slightly ironic. The drink was starting to cloud his brain, hugging it like an old friend. Theo drunk more often than he liked to admit.

Stiles was looking a bit worse for wear. His skin was pale as china and this made the dark bags under his eyes all the more prominent. Theo untied Stiles' hands and then sat down on the desk next to the tray, bottle still in hand. "How'd you cut your face?" Stiles' voice was weak, a good sign; maybe the Nogitsune would make an appearance soon.

"This is courtesy of your friend Scott. He wanted you, I said no, we had a fight."

"Is Scott okay?" The worry in his voice was adorable.

"Oh yeah, he's fine. Worrying about you like hell. It's sweet how much he love's you." Theo leaned in and Stiles crinkled his nose at the smell of alcohol on his breath. "It seems like everyone loves you so, so much. How do you do it? How do I... I mean you make people love you? What is it? Your humour, your smile, your personality? Or..." His eyes. His skin. His lips. Theo leaned in quick, pressing his lips to Stiles'. Stiles barely moved to Theo's surprise. Theo guessed he no longer had the will to care. The kiss was short and not so sweet and as Theo pulled away he began to question what he was doing. Why did he just kiss Stiles? He wasn't gay. Just the day before he had made out with Malia. But that was just for the plan, he thought. No!

Theo stood up quickly from the desk, the food tray clattering to the floor. Stiles still made no effort to react, just stared at Theo with an expression of vague confusion. Theo rushed to leave the room, locking the door behind him. He slumped down against the door, simultaneously swigging from the bottle. Theo was more confused than he had ever been. He was starting to think that he didn't enjoy drinking because it numbed his mind, he liked it because it numbed his soul.

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