Chapter 11: S.O.S.

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Stiles, the real Stiles, the one that was locked inside his own head, looked on helpless as the Theo and the Nogitsune continued to kiss. They had moved to Theo's car now. Both of them were breathing heavy, truly enthralled in the moment.

He wanted to cry. He wanted to pound against the walls of his own mind and break out. To tell Theo that this wasn't what he wanted, that what the Nogitsune had said was partially true.

He wanted to explore the feelings he felt for Theo on his own terms.

He fought against the Nogitsune as hard as he could, screaming inside his own skull. The Nogitsune stopped, pulling away from Theo, who cocked his head at the sudden break from action.

It was working. Stiles was making a dent in the wall between his mind and body. The Nogitsune had already been defeated after all, and was probably still weak.

But Stiles was so tired... He just wanted to sleep... No. He had to fight. This was his chance, perhaps the only one he would get. So he screamed as loud as he could, screamed as if he himself was a banshee and felt the sound slam against the foundations of his mind.


Theo looked quizzically at Stiles. One minute they were in the back of his car, making out like their lives depended on it and now Stiles, or the Nogitsune was frozen. Just staring in Theo's direction, but with empty eyes.

Then Stiles breathed in deeply, as if it was his first breath in years, sucking in all the air he good in one desperate act.

"Uh... Are you okay?" Theo asked putting a hand on his shoulder, concerned. He thought about how he wouldn't have even tried touching Stiles earlier that day, not if he didn't have to, but now it felt... normal.

"Theo, Theo. Please, listen to me. I know you don't want to do this. I know the Dread Doctors are making you. I forgive me, please just know I forgive you. But you can't let the Nogitsune have me. The things he'll do... to the pack... to you..."

Stiles was crying now, the tears on his face glistening under the streetlights outside. His eyes pleading and desperate.

"Oh my god... Stiles? Is that... is that you?" Theo couldn't believe it. The Nogitsune must really be weak if Stiles could fight his way out.

Stiles nodded frantically. "Please, please don't trust him. He's not an ally to you. He's not an ally to the Doctors." Theo didn't know what to say. This wasn't supposed to happen; he wasn't supposed to face the real Stiles yet.

"And believe me, I didn't want it to happen like this, you and me. He's taking over again. I don't have time to explain. I wanted to talk to you about this, to take it slow, make it speci-" He didn't get to finish his sentence, because he scrunched his eyes together and when he opened them they were dead and cold once again.

"What the fuck just happened?" Theo asked. His heart was pounding in his chest.

"Sorry about that, that's never happened to me before. Stiles is more of a fighter than I first anticipated. Now, where were we?" Stiles leaned in to kiss Theo again but Theo shoved him away.

"No. That's enough, I need to get home, I've got a lot to do tomorrow." Stiles narrowed his eyes at Theo's words, but then shrugged.

"Alright. Farewell, wolf boy." Stiles got out of the car in a swift motion that reminded Theo of a snake, leaving him alone in the backseat.

He put his jacket back on. He'd taken it off to get more comfortable. Sighing, he got into the front seat and started driving home.

I didn't want it to happen like this. The real Stiles' words rattled around in his head. What the Nogitsune had said was true; Stiles really did have some semblance of feelings for him. But why? He'd been nothing but a villain since he had returned to Beacon Hills.

Stiles had looked so helpless, so desperate. A caged animal, begging for its freedom. Theo had a decision to make. Get the Nogitsune out of Stiles or complete the Dread Doctors plans.

He's not an ally to you. He's not an ally to the Doctors. Stiles was in the Nogitsune's head as much as the Nogitsune was in his; he knew what he was thinking, so he would know if the demon had any ulterior motives.

Maybe that was it. Maybe that's what he could do: convince the Dread Doctors the Nogitsune was untrustworthy and a risk to the overall plan. Then, they might help Theo undo the mess they had made together. And he could save Stiles...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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