Chapter 7-Transformers

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To Aurora808 who gave me amazing feedback and always made my day with her advice.

I scream at the top of my lungs trying to throw myself forward. I twist my body violently trying to claw at the sand. It flies everywhere blinding me a couple times. The sky is still pitch black covered with beautiful stars, I can even see the Milky Way. But it's not the time for stargazing. My mother is alive, and she's being held captive by someone. I need to save her!

"LEVI STOP!" Bree screams at me, her arms locked around my stomach holding me back. Samuel grabs my legs trying to yank me backwards, "Stop it! You're drunk!" he shouts at me.

I scream louder thrashing violently, "No I'm not! I saw her! I saw her!!"

"Get-, get something to knock him out! He's going crazy!" Sarah shouts from nearby. I whip my head back trying to hit someone's head. I twist my body quickly making a trench. I buck my legs trying to get them out of Samuel's tight grip.

"Stop it Levi! Please!" Jennifer begs from somewhere by me.

"LET ME GO!!" I howl and arch my back and crawl desperately at the sand.

I hear Elliot crying in the background and more shouting fill the air. Orders to take me down. I won't let them. My mother is alive after all that. I'm not going to let her go so easily.

"Stop guys! Let him explain!" Shane shouts taking my side. I hear Thalia moaning, still laying on the ground and hungover. I got over mine a while ago, I still feel sick to my stomach but my head's clear. Fresh adrenaline did that. Ayden was up the second I started screaming, he must be an experienced drinker because he had no trouble getting up. Oliver is still knocked out on the ground though. Lukas is throwing up by the bonfire because he drank earlier as well. I'm grateful for their hangovers, it gives me less captors.

I growl through gritted teeth and let out another scream, "Let me go!!"

Ayden jumps in front of me and tries to grab my wrists. I panic thinking they'll see my arm but then I remember it's pitch black and I'm still wearing my jacket and gloves. I am sitting up and being held back by Bree who is surprisingly strong with Samuel holding my legs from in front of me. I throw myself forward with all my might and finally break from Bree's grip.

I throw myself forward and slam into Samuel knowing I have to take him out first. He seems like the strongest one here. I need to get to Mom. I have to save her. I had put her ring in my pocket and I pray I don't lose it. I tackle Samuel and fist my arm raising it back as fast as I can. Samuel lays on his back trying to kick me off. His foot meets my stomach before I can strike and I fly back feeling even more sick.

I land on my back and cough loudly and trying scrambling to my feet. Ayden attacks and jumps on top of me trying to pin me down.

"Idiot! Stop fighting!" he shouts at me.

I scream and arch my back trying to get up. He sits on my stomach and struggles to grab my flailing arms. I kick my legs and then try wrapping them around his waist. I try kneeing his back as hard as I can. I thrash violently feeling like a patient in a mental institution. They'd put me in a straitjacket if they had one.

Bree rushes over sitting behind my head and grabbing one of my arms. I panic and fight as much as I can, not caring if I hurt anyone. Then I start screaming for help hoping someone drunk has enough strength to help me out.

"HELP ME!! Help!!" I shout as loud as I can. My throat is starting to burn. Samuel runs to my other side and grabs ahold of my other arm. Their hands tighten on my wrist, making them hurt. Ayden still sits on my top and is shouting at me to stop being stupid.

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