Chapter 21-Lukas the Night Watch

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**Hey little update on actual book size, currently on my docs version of this story it has 254 pages of pure writing! I like to keep my books 350 pages so just as a warning, the book is slowing coming to an end! :'( But don't worry, I won't let anything have loose ends! And trust me, you will be happy with the ending I already came up with. And no, this is all not just a dream. I kinda feel cheated when that happens... no offense to people who do that but just in my opinion as a writer, I wrote all of that to have none of it happen? No thank you. Anyways, enjoy! It's time to get into the backstories of our beloved characters!**

My dry eyes are starting to burn so I keep rubbing them with my hands. I keep yawning and almost nodding off to sleep, only to shake myself to awake just in time. Why the heck did I volunteer for night shift? Sammy and Teren made it look so easy. Though I do enjoy the quiet, collecting my thoughts and earning some of the precious alone time I started to crave.

But Ollie likes to interrupt the silence with some long-winded story or punny joke, only to laugh at himself sounding almost hysterical because he's so tired. I laugh too out of sympathy but also because everything is hilarious after staying up the entire night. But at least I could think about the situation and calm down. I was recently so terrified, I hate that word, and thought everything was extremely dangerous. But now that I'm calm and everything else is calm, I'm much better.

I also got to really think about how I don't really like this whole set up of a "leader". Sure Levi's a nice guy but I don't working under him. I don't like how we all have to follow his orders though he's right about most things. I didn't agree with burning the dead bodies and now we have to pay for it. The bodies have been swept out to sea and are going to come back soon. We should have at least tried to bury them when we had the chance.

Then again, I never liked being under someone. Though that was my entire life. Living under an older sister who does everything perfect. An older sister who went to Yale to become a lawyer. Everyone just adored her, but when they saw me they saw nothing. I didn't want to be a lawyer. I didn't want to be a doctor. I didn't even know what I wanted to do, though it's my senior year. They saw me as a failure. Even Dad who loves my sister more than anything else, maybe even more than Mom. 

He says that she reminds him of her. But not me. I'm nothing. Mom loved me though, she thought my sister was a bit spoiled and bratty at times, which she is but she's her mom too. But Mom died when I was ten so her love was rendered useless after a while. 

"Hey!" Ollie blurts suddenly, sitting up quickly with hyper eyes. I look over at him slowly, my hand locked behind my head as a shield from the sand. I am laying flat on the ground near the tiny bonfire that is slowly dying out. Ollie is on the other side of it and was laying down but now he's up again.

"What?" I ask distantly as I stare up at the stars, thinking "deep" thoughts. I guess that's what I'm doing. 

"What time is it?" he asks curiously, almost acting like a hyper kid. Kinda like Elliot actually.

"Ummm," I moan softly and slowly lift my hand up from behind my head. I hold it up seeing my new black watch I found while searching the bags. Levi said it would be best for us to have a watch, I guess that's his decision. I study the tiny black ticks trying to locate the short hand. 

"It's... five thirty," I answer feeling a bit defeated. I was hoping it was around six or something so we could wake someone up to take our spot. I'm going to be so miserable today. I wonder if someone found a Red Bull or something because I'm going to pass out soon. 

Ollie groans loudly tossing himself back, hitting the sand with a loud a thud. "Stupid time," he mumbles upset, sounding just as annoyed as I am.

"Can we wake someone up now?" I ask in a sad but hopeful voice, then I yawn loudly having to stretch my mouth out like an anaconda. 

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