Hoe Please?!

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 Hey My Name Is Jasmine Loralie All My Life In Have Wanted Too Get Out Of This Hell Hole I Call Home My Mum Dosnt Want Me And Without  A Dad And No Other Family I Have No one Too Turn Too Love Too Sing And Dance Obviously There Is No Time For Myself As My Mum Beats Me And Claims Me As Not Her Daughter Too Her The Whole World Revolves Around Her She Spends More Time On Her Looks Than A Hoe Does On Her Pussy -____- I Hate Life I Get Beat For The Simpilist Things And With A Hoe For A Mother Life Is Never Simple...

 Jasmines P.O.V

All I heard was shouting and screaming I woke up wincing in pain as I made my way down stairs too get my breakfast I was prone too the pain now but still hated it…

Jasmines mom– Finally your lazy ass is up, why you so slow hurry I need to go too the mall and then go down too the mini mart cause that cereal you eating there don’t fly into the cupboards yanoe!

I was thinking what a jerk she was and ate had a shower,brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I noticed the on going bruises up my arm which sent chills down my spine along with flashbacks from the night before…

Last Night (8:00PM)-

Jasmines P.O.V

I was just making my way up the driveway, from doing my performance at school I did tell my mom about it but all I got was don’t give me this bullshit I aint coming.I turned the handle to the front door and there was the tall shadow of my mom standing there I swallowed the ongoing fear lingering in my mouth.

Jasmines mom- Where you been huh ? you good for nothing hoe, you best not been out at a boys !

Jasmine – No mom remember I was at the school performance the one you said  you had no time to go to ?

Jasmines mom- Like forreal you getting cheeky don’t start with this shit tonight Jasmine I cannot be bothered with you

Jasmine -*Under her breath* You never are…

Jasmines Mom- Im sorry what was that don’t make me come over there again and give your good for nothing sorry ass a slap ..

Jasmine- I didn’t say anything

Jasmine was walking up towards the stairs when *SLAP* Jasmines mom had slapped her by this moment she was on the floor while she was falling she had bumped her head on the banaster and was bleeding sadly for Jasmine some of the blood had got on to the cream carpet…

Jasmines mom – Ohh hell nawee look what you done you got your blood all up on my nice carpets you schupid child

Jasmines mom went to go for Jasmine again this time kicking her and slapping her and punching her any child would have given up but Jasmine held back the tears and crawled upstairs too bed this was enough for one night , as Jasmine cried herself too sleep she thought how life would be so much better if her dad was here.

*Flashback Over*

As Jasmine walked back downstairs she noticed the blood stain on the carpet and instantly got the flashbacks her mom noticed her staring at it ..

Jasmines mom – So you just gunna stare at the shit you put on my carpets that’s what yo sorry ass doing when we coming back from getting me and this shopping sorted,why cant you just be like a normal child I know you aint mine for starters now get yo ass in the car !

Jasmines POV

All I wanted too do was cry but was thinking brave thoughts and held back the tears and realised how ghetto this woman actually is! one day this hoe will get a taste of her own medicine about not her child she probably that thirsty she only wanted my father for sex and it felt soo good she forgot about protection what an arse -_____- she messed with the wrong girl

*At The Mall*

I had made it down too the mall in one piece my ears were still ringing from the screaching of my moms voice first stop was the salon will this women ever learn that there is more too life than looks -____-

Jasmines mom- You sit in that chair till im done here lord knows what you might do

Jasmines POV - What does this hoe seriously think im gunna do she acting like I jus came out of jail or suttin if anything I should be the one scared of her...I am bored as fuck so decided too put my earphones in Save Me came on By Nicki Minaj I Started Singing It too myself everytime i hear or sing this song i kinda do wish someone would save me ....

I drove for miles just to find you and find myself All these screams, all these voices in my head You gave me strength, gave me hope for a lifetime I never was satisfied

This time won't you save me? This time won't you save me? Baby, I can feel myself givin' up, givin' up

This time won't you save me? This time won't you save me? Baby, I can feel myself givin' up, givin' up Givin' up, givin' up, givin' up

It's not your fault I'm a bitch, I'm a monster Yes I'm a beast and I feast when I conquer But I'm alone on my throne, all these witches I came this way all this way just to say

This time won't you save me? This time won't you save me? Baby, I can feel myself givin' up, givin' up

This time won't you save m-

???- Hey you ever thought of going professional ?

Jasmine - Oops Didnt Realise I Was Singing So Loud *Laughs*

???- Hi My Names Nicole I Work For Interscope Records

Jasmine - OMG! I Heard Of That Before Some Of My Favourite Stars Are Signed There Mindless Behaviour :D

Nicole - *Laughs* Yeah They Are Very Talented And Popular Guys, So You Here With Your Mom

Jasmine Looked DownAnd Sighed

Jasmine - Yeah Sadly

Nicole - Hey Well I Want You Too Come Down Too The Studio Sometime I Will Give Your Mom My Card And You My Number

Jasmines Mom - Hurry Up ! My Clothes Aint Gunna Buy Themsel-

Nicole - Hey Im Nicole From Interscope Records Your Child is Very Talented And Would Love For Her Too Come Down Too The Studio Sometime

Jasmines Mom - Oh Are You !? Yes I Always Said She Was The Talented One In The Family ... Didnt  I Jasmine  

Jasmine Gave Her Mum The Skank Look Like Whaat Please ?! Her Mum Pushed Her And Nuged Her    

Jasmine- Ohh Umm Yupp   

Jasmines Mom - Well I will Make Sure I Will Phone You Too Make Arrangements Soon Come On Jasmine!  

Jasmine - Umm Mom Why Did You Do That ?  

Jasmines Mom - Because if You Become A Star That Meens More Money For Clothes For Me And Hopefully A Bigger House With a Pool And Servants  

Jasmines POV- Seriously She Talking Like We In A Fantasy World *Mimiking Her Mom* Im Gunna Get A Big House With A Pool And Act Like I Work But The Only Work I Do Is Riding Mens Dicks Cause Im A Thirsty Hoe And Now Amma Make My Daughter That I Said Wasnt Mine A Star So I Can Steal Her Money* Please This Hoe Aint Getting A Penny ...

First Story -____- Its A Bit Craapp Me Knows But Feel The Need Too Do A Story Like This Comment Vote Mwaahh Spread The Peace :) ♥☮ - Jess

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