Chapter 2

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Five months later

So happy has not contacted us and everytime I try to talk to my dad about the mission he'll hang up before I can even finish my sentence. school has been nice so far but the kids always asked me to see if I can make them a millionaire and obviously it's I can't. I also get bullied. I know what you thinking how is a stark being bullied in school!? Well my dad barely answers any of my calls being that he's so called busy. Aunt may and peter are really sweet to me.

Me and peter were on the train heading to school. peter texted and texted and texted happy but nothing. we were crossing the side of the road when flash tried to run us over. Peter grab me by the waist Lifting me up on the other side so I wouldn't get hit. It scared me cause I thought that he actually got hit, "What's up penis parker? got you a girlfriend?" Flash said as the other kids laughed, "Just ignore them." I said as we walked.
I was walking when a girl bumped into me intentionally causing my stuff to fall, "Aw what's wrong? need me to call daddy? oh wait, he doesn't!" The girls said laughing. i rolled my eyes and got my stuff. peter help me, "You shouldn't let those girls get to you. I mean, you're a stark! you should be popular!" Peter said trying to make me feel better, "Yeah but you have to remember. tony adopted me, I'm not his biological daughter. people think that he just adopted me so that way people would like him more or something like that." I stated as much as I hurt to say, "but he cares and loves you even if you are adopted he still sees you as his daughter." He said looking at me with his kind and pure eyes. I smiled and said thanks.

We got to our lockers and our lockers are right next to each other which is fine. I look to the side and saw that Ned was behind Peter holding his a Lego version of Emperor Palpatine, "Join me and together. we'll build my new Lego death star." Ned said doing his Emperor Palpatine impression. we looked at him and excitement, "what!?" Me and peter said. the girls behind us was calling us names but how cares, "That's awesome. how many pieces?" I asked closing my locker, "Three thousand eight hundred and three." Ned said. I mean that's a lot of pieces and the death star is going to be big and awesome!,

"That's insane." Peter said, "I know. you guys want to build it tonight?" Ned asked, "No, I can't tonight. I've got the stark-" Ned cut off Peter sentence, "Mm hm. stark internship. always got that internship." Ned said looking a little sad, "Well, hopefully soon it'll lead to a real job with them." I said smiling, "That would be so sweet! he'd be all "good job on those spreadsheets peter. here's a gold coin." Ned said impersonating my dad. I laughed,

"I don't know how jobs work." Ned confessed, "That's exactly how they work." I said. ned smiled with his head held high.

Ned was talking but I saw that peter was in his own world when he saw liz. I mean she is pretty and all the kids in school like her way more then me which I'm not mad at. I know peter wouldn't want to date someone like me so I'll have to find someone like him. I snapped my finger in front of peter's face, "That'd be great." Peter said dazed by liz. I pulled him by the arm and went to class,

"Okay, so how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and point B?" The teacher asked. I raised my hand but she picked flash, "It's the product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by mass." Flash answered but got it wrong,

"Peter. you still with us?" The teacher asked peter but he was looking at videos of him swing and stopped a car from hitting a bus, "Uh, yeah. mass cancels out so it's gravity times sine." Peter replied. peter is really smart, "Right. see flash being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong." The teacher explained to flash. me and peter bump fists, "You're dead." Flash said looking at us evilly. I gave him an even more evil look and he turned away.

Next we were in science class which gives us a chance to make our webbing. peter made it underneath his desk drawer strong while I kept watch making sure nobody saw.

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