3 I eat ice cream yum yum

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Hearing the flutters of her Clothes alot of undead noticed her and walk after her.

She noticed all the undead that chasing after her  she still fly more higher she doesn't want to be careless or harm a person even if that person is a mindless corpse. It's better to be careful than be sorry later.

After sometime she left the child in a rooftop and said "I'll be back."

She fly leaving the child in a rooftop but before that she enchanted a spell.

"No harm shall come upon this building." She drew a array while her voiced echoed.

This will be her sacred ground for the mean time.

She went to a nearby undead, touched his forehead and closed her eyes while all information of this world poured in her mind.

This undead is a former researcher so human called this Earth and the year is 20th Century. Technology is vast and improving but why? She asked in her mind why the human become undead.
Well, she will find out later.

Her silvery strands of hair swayed and smiled warmly.
I will try this all technology that human cant live without.

She teleported, thinking to go to a place that they'd called Mall.
In a blink of an eye she's inside a mall. It's messy though nice... "Oh is this what they'd call fashion?" I tried the dress, it's beautiful and ohh there's a children clothes. So nice so beautiful. I took all the clothes and thrown it inside my space. Do you know why god/desses didn't have a thing even thought they'd travel? It's because they have space and all the things that they need is inside. In all the god/desses my space is the best. I dont know what it's limit.

I am so happy i think i can all take this.

She wear the so called pump heels. This is great! She saw a dress that more beautiful than her clothes. She wore it.

Ahh! She remembered there's human vehicles! Thinking it through she saw a car. She tiptoe happily staring the shiny car.
Hm she remembered how to operate this car when she saw the memories of the man like it really belong to her.

Seeing the beautiful and shiny car she thrown it in her space like usual.

She walks dont know where to go but she still took a step forward and saw a store full of human delicacy. Hmm should i try ll this? This is my first time to eat human food!

She took an ice cream and open the lid, took a bite.

Hmm yum yum..
She eat eat eat eat after that she decided! She will take all of this food and try to eat all of this.

She leisurely walks.

"Miss." A shout behind her

Miss? Oh thats what they called when they meet a girl.

Someone pushed her.

"Get away! Dont dawdle dawdled you almost bitten by this." He restrained the hungry undead using a bat and he smashed it hard in the head after sometime it stop to move.

"You.. Have you think that there's no undead here? This is a fcking mall!!" He shouted at me. Who is this man what gall did he eat to shouted at me infront of my face.

I gritted my teeth, silently drank all my grievances.

I need to act like a normal girl. Tss

"I-i sor..ry am wrong."
She bit her lips whilst her eyelashes fluttered. The man saw it and he is a little uncomfortable.

 Divine Priestess; Age Of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now