1. Pilot

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A/N: hi!!! 20 votes and 30 comments for next chapter? *^* (warning: abuse.)

1. Pilot

   "Fucking bullshit," Louis muttered as 'GAME OVER' appeared on the tv screen, "this shit is rigged." He restarted the game, which led him to where he had saved it.

His phone started to ring, so he paused the game. He swiped the screen to answer, "Hello."

"Hey sweetie," Louis' mom, Mary happily said, "How's my boy doing? How's college? How's work?"

"Hey mom. Bomb me questions why don't you. I mean it's only the second month but I'm kind of bruised from all the work they cheerfully give out. And work is good, I haven't been stabbed at the library or from one of my tutor sessions so I'm good," Louis said, getting up to go make him a sandwich. He was hungry from a hard day work of video gaming and masturbating.

"So I see that you still procrastinate?" His Mother's sternness made him raise his eyebrows. He opened the fridge and leaving the phone on the kitchen island on speaker.

"Oh honey," he began to spread mayo on the bread, "Procrastination is apart of me. I don't see myself parting from it soon."

"Louis, this isn't funny. You were late to turn in your college applications, recommendation letters, and basically anything else school related," His mother said.

Louis completed his sandwich with smoked, honey ham, "Yes. Very true. However, I was still accepted to Harvard, Columbia, and Stanford. My brains saved me and if that's not power, I don't know what is."

Mary sighed, "Why if one day it's not up to your smarts?"

"What would that be?"

"I don't know... maybe... love?" Louis could hear the teasing in her voice.

"Why didn't I see this..." he said in mocking distress, biting into his sandwich. Love? More like money wasted and not on video games or Porn Hub subscriptions, or.... well that was it. That's all he's concerned about.

"Am I ever going to have grandchildren? I mean you're my only hope. You know being my only child?" She said with a hint of laughter.

Louis rubbed his scruff, finishing his sandwich, "It'll happen. I'm going to pull one day..."

His mother warned, "Louis.."

"I mean..." he put on a act as if he had a live audience, "I'll find my love one day, somehow when the time is right." He looked into the window fairly hopeful (not really) and a bird had pooped on it. Okay....

"Well baby, I just called to check up on you? A mother never fails to worry," Mary said.

Louis softened, "I know. I know. Well I have class in about an hour. I'm going to go ahead and get ready." He trashed a napkin he used and walked towards his room, almost slipping on a article of clothing. It was probably his Arctic Monkeys t-shirt. He muttered, "That was a close one."


"I almost tripped on a shirt?" He held the phone to his lips even though it was still on speaker.

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