3. Bothered Kitty

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3. Bothered Kitty

"Harry, I want you to make sure you stay here and to not make a mess," Louis said, as if he was the cleaning person, "I'll be gone for college not to long. Here, just use this to text me or call me if you need anything. Everything else doesn't work." It was Louis' old phone, an iPhone 6s.

"Okay," Harry's kitten ears raised, grabbing the phone, "What Harry do here?"

"You can draw? Or watch YouTube or Netflix on the tv?" He said pointing to the wide TV, sat on a glass panel.

"O-okay," Harry said, "How do you put Y-YouTube or Netflix?"

Louis showed him how to find the social entertainment, pointing to the main screen, "Here are the apps. You can also rent a movie if you want, I already set up my debit info, but don't go to crazy."


Louis remembered, "You can actually read a book too if you want. I have some in my room."

"Harry not s-smart," Harry's ears lowered, looking down at Louis' t-shirt and pajama pants.

Louis reached out to pet his ears but stopped himself, "You are smart. You can read my easy books... like the dictionary, and be smarter than you already are." Louis' smile caused crinkles by his eyes and Harry was very endeared by it.

"T-that's it?"

"Yeah," Louis got up from the floor, already ready and picked up his I.D. from the kitchen island, "You going to be okay?"

"Y-Yes," Harry said, staring at all the apps on the tv.

"Okay, I'll see you soon," Louis stated, "He opened the door to leave.

He suddenly heard footsteps and Harry was on his face. Too close.

He didn't know Harry was holding his backpack, "L-Louis forgot backpack."

Louis was dumbfounded, "Oh, yeah, 'forgot." He grabs the backpack and steps into the hall, looking back embarrassed at Harry.

"Why Louis cheeks red?" Harry tilted his head.

"I'm embarrassed," He chuckled, looking at his watch, "I have to go, be safe." Louis turns and mutters to himself, "Stupid."

Harry giggled to himself as he closes the door, "Silly."

Louis sat in class and all he could think about was Harry and what he was doing. He was probably drawing or something.


He forgot to tell Harry to stay away from the kitchen, especially the stove. He didn't want to come back to a burnt house and a crying hybrid. He quickly texted Harry:

Louis: don't cook anything until I get there, just get snacks, okay?

Two minutes went by before Louis looked from his professor to his phone notification.

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