7. Brave Kiss

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a/n: sorry for the wait but here it is. read chapter before this if confused (:

7. Brave Kiss

"Hey, Harry, do you know where I left my beanie?" He could hear Louis from his room.

Harry was currently the beanie.

"Nope," he popped some popcorn into his mouth.

"It has to be here somewhere," Louis said, looking through his drawers, phone suddenly ringed.

Eleanor it showed.

He picked it up, "Hey." He held the phone next to his ear as he went under the bed. Where the fuck was his beanie? It was his favorite one.

"Hey were still on for tonight?"

Oh yeah. Forgot to mention.

Louis agreed to tutor at Eleanor's house. He would've said no, but Eleanor doubled her offer so he couldn't pass it. Not now when he had a kitten to take care of.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to look for my beanie. All my jackets with hoodies are in the washer and I know my ears will fall off if I don't wear anything."

"Okay, well i'll be here."

"Alright," he replied, "I'll be there in fifteen."

He hanged up and sighed frustratedly.

Harry walked in, with his ears and tail intrigued. "What's wrong?"

Louis' back was to him, "Can't find my favorite beanie."

"What's beanie?" Harry tilted his head.

Louis got up from the floor and turned around, "It's a-"

He saw on Harry's head his burgundy beanie.

"This is a beanie," Louis says softly removing the beanie from Harry's head. "Thanks."

Harry whispers "you're welcome" because he didn't know where Louis was going.

"Where Louis going?" He said, following Louis, leaning on the counter. Then on the couch.

Recently, Harry has been scenting every piece of furniture in Louis' house and even the walls. Louis figured it was Harry marking territory.

"I have to go to Eleanor's and tutor her. But she's paying me twice. So that means we can probably go out this week!" He said excitingly as Harry leaned back on the couch, sitting on the arm rest.

"Okay. Harry make something for when you come back," he said, not knowing that statement meant too much to Louis.

Louis blushes and rubs his chin, "Thanks kitty."

He grabs his keys, "Alright well I'm off Harry." As he opens the door, he feels a body press against his back.

Long arms wrap around him.

Harry's hugging him.

"This is new." Louis is shocked.

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