A Tiny Book, What's So Great About It?

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Some Important Notes:
Valka and Hiccup met early. He was 17 when he met her. He's currently 19. ((Stoick still died.)) Hiccup is not Chief yet (he's too young to be, god.) Valka is currently Chief with Gobber helping outand they're both helping Hiccup become chief by training him. Viggo and the remaining antagonists are running the Dragon Hunters. (I havent finished RTTE so im just checking the Wiki)

SHOUTOUT TO THE ONE WHO INSPIRED ME TO MAKE MY OWN; FLURRYWHIP AND HER STORY: Living on The Edge (I cant tag them because the tagging system sucks)

Platonic Hiccstrid Engagement. I'm not that into Hiccstrid so don't expect to see a lot from this. You can though, expect tons of Hictooth. (And I say Hictooth because theres apparently a big difference between Hictooth and Toothcup??) It's focused on their pure unconditional love for each other. (though you can see it as toothcup if ya want, i like that ship too)Other than that, no non-canon pairings other than Dragons and Riders having great relationships. Im still choosing on what episode/season in between the RTTE series so let me think this through.))

The first few chapters are from other minor characters' point of views but it's integral to the plot, so bare with me.



Gustav was happy to say that he had finally, completely, fulfilled the expectations of the Dragon Riders.

He was now part of the Alpha Team that currently protected and patrolled Berk! How cool is that?! Hiccup was still training as Chief but still was a Dragon Trainer at Dragon's Edge, where he gave students missions to help them and their dragon's bond grow stronger and for them to do tasks responsibly.

Even though Gustav was a leader, he could still join missions as he chooses, and he volunteered for a pretty high High-Class mission. (The missions were categorized, obviously. They can't just leave a newbie with a dangerous mission. That's stupid!)

The mission was pretty simple. He was to explore Itchy Armpit.

Wonderful name he knows. Seriously, how much dragon nip did Hiccup had when he named this island?

Itchy Armpit, (He giggles every time he thinks about it.) was still an unexplored land so he and Fanghook had to be extremely careful. Yeah, he can do that...Probably.

He and Fanghook speed through the vast expanse of the Ocean, passing Thunderdrums, Seashockers and Scauldrons along the way.

The Scauldrons spew water at them in greeting, leaving them a little bit wet but thankfully the water wasn't scalding hot. Gustav laughs and waves back at them while Fanghook looks slightly annoyed, shaking off the water from his face.

"We're almost there Fanghook, just a little bit longer!" Gustav reassures Fanghook, when the dragon let out a tired trill. He was getting tired of seeing bodies and bodies of water everywhere he looked.

They both let put a sigh of relief when they see sea stacks slowly appearing in the distance.

Finally arriving at the edges of Itchy Armpit, they stop for a while to let Fanghook rest his wings. Gustav opens his pack and tosses Fanghook two fishes, Fanghook swallowing them greedily.

"Rest up for a bit, Fanghook. I'll be nearby." Gustav says, pulling out a notebook and charcoal. Hiccup had already drawn a rough sketch of the autumn-hued fjord, all he had to do was draw and even bigger detailed version of it, and also add little notes too. He had already sketched a few of them before they landed.

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