Spray Paint And A Crazy Idea

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Tonight is the night that Kirsten and The Boy That Hates Books embark on their journey, that will uncover the truths of many secrets been laid to rest.

This two day trip will be the awakening of something that will have a lasting impact, forevermore...

"Two days." I announced as I stepped into the truck, hair cascading around my face. I sat down, throwing a duffel back onto the back seat.

"Two days?" He repeated, despite the fact that he already knew.

"Two days." I clarified again, laughing to myself.

Our eyes met, locking in place. His seemed brighter than usual, and I was almost sure that mine were the same. I'd always dreamed of some kind of adventure like you read in books and see in movies. There was something thrilling about not knowing where you'll end up, even though not knowing was one of my biggest fears. Maybe that's the thrill of it.

"What did you do when I was in there with my mum?" I questioned, as The Boy That Hates Books revved up the engine and pulled the car out of the drive.

"I waited in here." He replied bluntly.

"That's strange, I could've sworn I saw someone peeking 'round the corner of the door..." I peered at him from the corner of my eye.

"Okay fine, you got me." He put his hands up above his head, pretending to surrender.

My heart hiccuped, "What are you doing! Put your hands back on the wheel!"

His laugh reverberated through the truck, but he did place his hands back down.

"You're okay sunshine." He reassured.

"Hm," I murmured, his driving seriously did concern me at times, "Anyway, we were talking about why you were spying on me and my mum?"

"Ah yes." Was his only reply, as he kept his eyes trained on the road ahead and hands sturdy on the wheel.

Daylight was closing in, as the sun began to hug the horizon. The entirety of the day had been spent waiting for the night, with our plans to go on our little road-trip.

"Hello? Why were you spying on me?"


I was about to wave my hands in front of his face before he looked at me dumbfound, "Oh sorry, were you talking to me? It's just that I've been focusing on my driving since I'm apparently so bad at it."

"I will hit you." I threatened, gritting my teeth but holding back a laugh.

"That would be an obstruction to my driving so I suggest you don't do that." He teased.

We both burst into fits of laughter, as I watched how his face scrunched up and listened to him call me sunshine a couple of times more. The corner of our world had been enveloped by darkness when we decided where our first destination was going to be on our journey.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked, anticipation thickening the air surrounding us.

"I don't know..." I'd been expecting him to take the lead, since he was the one who wanted to go on a road trip in the first place.

"Don't you have anyone you want to get revenge on? Anyone you want to see?" He asked.

And that was when I had the crazy idea.

"Actually, there is. Have you ever been to the Highway Cafe?"

He nodded slowly, "A few times, why?"

"Because I have baggage with the owner of it."

The feelings were beginning to arise, the anger I'd felt on the night of Vixen's party.

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