Plot Twist

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Whether it be in a book or in real life, there is always a moment that changes everything. Something unexpected. Something that will make you question all that you'd previously learnt.

The future doesn't look the same for Kirsten now, and her fate has certainly changed. But despite where she ends up, Kirsten will be forever grateful of what Nala was about to tell her.

So here we go. Would you like to know the plot twist?

Oh, and I can't promise you it'll be the last.

"Please don't freak out." Nala practically begged me.

"I can't promise anything." And I meant it, truthfully.

As if on cue, the sound of a baby crying echoed through the room, making a feeling of dread settle like a rock in the bottom of my stomach, confirming the worst of my fears.

I could feel The Boy That Hates Books tense beside me, his hand reaching out to touch my leg. He squeezed it reassuringly before pulling away.

Closing my eyes, I whispered beneath my breath, "Nala. What the hell was that?"

"That was Mira. My daughter."

The Not knowing is what hurts.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me!?" The tears pricking my eyes threatened to escape as I sat on the edge of the sofa, fists clenched.

"Kirsten do you want a drink? You need to calm down..." The Boy That Hates Books moved closer to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Stay out of this," I spoke through gritted teeth, shoving his hand of my shoulder, "I don't want a drink, I want answers."

The lump in my throat continued to rise as Nala began to explain the lies and secrets I never thought I'd be hearing. To be fair, I never thought I would see my sister again, let alone learn all of this about her. This life that she's kept hidden from me.

"I'll start from the beginning, since that's the only place that seems to make any sense..."

"No. You'll start from the end. I need to know the end before I know the beginning."

A sad smile played at Nala's lips. "You haven't changed one bit have you?"

"No. But you have. And I need to know why."

She took a deep breath before opening her mouth to speak, "If we're starting at the end, then the beginning of the end is that I gave birth to a baby girl one year ago. I named her Mila, which means miracle."

Nala's eyes lit up like a star scattered sky.

The anger I felt caused me not to feel any happiness for her in that moment. Not a single congratulations left my chapped lips.

"And the Dad?" I demanded, but deep down I already knew.


I shook my head, nausea rolling in my stomach. Despite already knowing, hearing it aloud made it true.

The truth always hurt.

"I don't have anything else to say to you then," I spat, glaring in her direction, "All those nights of you crying in my arms, all of that heartbreak...and you had a baby with him!? How could you be so stupid..."

I was sobbing now.

"Do you know how hard that was for me? I was grieving because dad walked out on us, and on top of that I had to watch my sister slowly break down because of a boy. Then you left, everyone fucking left and you know what Nala? Mum left too. She hasn't been the same since you walked out on us and I've been alone.

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