Kiss Of A Criminal

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It was around 5 am when she got the phone call that would change everything.

I woke up, startled, to the sound of my phone vibrating next to me. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I reached out and placed the phone to my ear. My breathing caught as I looked off into the distance. The sun was just slipping above the horizon, casting orange hues across the sky and making it look like the entire field was on fire.

"Kirsten, thank God you picked up."

It was Nala, voice alive against the sleeping night. She sounded panicked, rushing to get everything out at once.

"Where are you?" Her voice hushed to a strained whisper, breathing uneven. I sat up slowly, back pressing against the cool metal of the truck.

Frowning, I replied, mind hazy, "I' a field, Nala, why the hell are you phoning me at five in the morning?" I hissed, anger still present from yesterday's revelations.

"Are you with him?" She ignored my question, almost snapping at me. She didn't even bother to ask why I was in a field at five o'clock in the morning.

"Yes mum I am, what's wrong?" I sighed, glancing over at Miles. He was fast asleep, face squished up against the blankets and eyes tightly shut. He looked so peaceful when he slept, like he didn't have a worry in the world.

The memories of only hours ago came rushing to the forefront of my mind, making that same feeling fly the butterflies in my stomach.

"You need to get out of there. Now." I snapped my eyes away from Miles, shoving away my previous thoughts and focusing on only my sister's words, heartbeat picking up unwillingly.

"What do you mean? Nala tell me what's wrong ..." I pressed my phone harder against my ear, tightening my fingers around it.

"I knew I recognised him somewhere ..." She half-cried, voice hoarse, "Kirsten he-he's the fugitive."

My heart plummeted, the air seeming to still around me. Goosebumps rose on my skin, almost painful, as my eyes filled with tears. That feeling of dread that made you feel as if you were choking, trying to find a way to breathe. I untangled myself from him, blood running cold.

"Don't lie to me like that," I refused to listen to her, almost sure she had gotten it all wrong, "Nala please tell me you're joking?"

"Do you really think I would lie to you about this!" Her voice rose rapidly, almost to a shout, "Just get the hell out now Kirsten, he's dangerous. The police have a new lead on him, it was on the news and they showed his picture, Kirsten, I know I sound crazy but the picture. It was him. I-"

"Okay!" I cut her off sharply, trying to stifle the sobs that accumulated my fear.

I couldn't comprehend anything at that moment. The lies, the deceit, the shock, the denial, every second of every feeling since I'd met him all building up. All I could do was get out of there as quickly as possible.

I racked my brain for something to do. It wasn't like I could just drive off with him lying in the back.

"I'll leave now. I-I'm pretty sure there's a pocket knife in the glovebox..." I stumbled over my words, shuffling away from him and climbing off onto the floor. My legs were shaking as I steadied myself, fumbling for the keys in the pocket of my jeans. All the while I watched him in my peripheral vision, making sure that he didn't stir awake. I didn't know if he was a deep sleeper, so every move I made was a risk.

"Okay, just be quick." Nala ordered, "I'll stay on the phone. Oh and Kirsten, I love you. I'm sorry for everything-"

I shoved my phone into the back of my pocket, silencing her. The ground was cold and wet beneath my feet, mud soaking into my socks. I hadn't even thought about putting my shoes back on. I shivered in my jumper, the warm feeling from last night having dissipated along with the feeling of his arms around me. I felt sick.

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