Chapter 7: Drinks & Secrets

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Hi, guys! Thanks a lot for waiting on this! I love you so much for that.

I know Niall cannot drive, but let's pretend he can in this story, okay? Okay.

Oh, and one girl asked me if I'd go lesbian for my female fans, and I thought that was kind of weird... The answer is YES, yes I would. And I would totally date my male fans... Aha, that was awkward.


[ Niall's POV ]

Gathering all of the courage inside of me, I knocked my enclosed fist on Harry's door. There were a few fans out on the street trying to get my attention and yelling multiple thing about "Narry", so I turned around and waved at them, because I could tell they've been out here for a while. I reached up, took my green snapback off of my head, ran a tired hand through my hair, then placed it back down.

Finally, the door opened.

"Hi, Mrs. Anne," I greeted my second-mother with a smile. Her hair was up and she was in sweats, but she was still awfully beautiful and attractive. Especially for a woman of her age; not that she's old or anything.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment, but her look faultered into a smile. "Niall? What a surprise." she paused for a moment as she glanced backwards, then back at me. "A lovely, lovely surprise."

"Harry's home, yeh?"

"Um, yeah..." She glanced backwards again. "Why don't you come on in and make yourself comfortable."

"Thanks." I smiled graciously at her as she ushered me in. I stepped into the comfy home and inhaled the delicious scent of cinnamon.

I sat down on the couch as Anne continued. "Harry! Niall is here!" I fiddled my thumbs together while she turned her attention back to me. "Hey, babe, would you like a snack or something?"

"No, thank you. Harry and I are actually going out." I watched as her eyebrow raised slightly, and I realized how horrible that sounded. "Wait, not going out. I meant we're just... Hanging out."

Anne laughed. "I know what you meant Niall. Don't worry."

We stood in silence for about a minute, which was beyond awkward. Anne called Harry's name one last time, right before he skipped down the steps. I couldn't help but look him up and down. He looked fantastic in his white V-neck tee, black trousers, and white converse. His curls fell perfectly, like always and-

Wait, what the hell am I saying? Okay, Harry looks good. But not that good... Oh, who am I kidding, he looks amazing. But that didn't mean anything. He's still got his wall up and he's still in his comfort zone. That's why I planned this guys night.

Anne had her back turned to me as she approached her son, but I could tell she was talking about something by the look on Harry's face. His eyebrows crinkled as he mouthed something to her, then placed his lips onto her cheek. I smiled once he finally glanced at me. Our eye-contact lasted for just a moment before he stared down at the ground.

"Uh, we'd better go. Good seeing yah, Anne. Take care." Harry rushed past me. I inhaled in that exact moment, and felt slightly dizzy. His usual rustic scent was replaced by the smell of rustic honey. And my God, it smelt fantastic. Anne reached out, put her hand on my shoulder as I slipped mine onto her waist, and I kissed her cheek.

"Goodbye, have fun!"

"We will," I promised her, then turned around to catch up to Harry.

When the cool wind hit my face, I smiled and noticed that Harry was chatting with a few fans. They were asking multiple questions and he was happily answering then, giving hugs, and signing iPods and cell phone cases with our faces on him.

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