Chapter 10: Kill Me If You Want To

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- Harry -

I cleared my throat and slid down further into the chair, hoping it would just swallow me whole. I'd rather die than be on Simon's hit-list. This blank, unamused expression on his scowling face frightened me; who knows what we've done this time. It could be anything: Simon being Simon, Niall and I getting drunk last night, us cuddled up in that booth at the bar like a love-drunk couple... Who even knows?

I didn't care look at Louis. When I first came in, he gave an expression that I've hardly ever seen on him before. And that expression was pure, utter, heart-wrenching guilt. As if he had no control over the situation. And to be quite frank, something tells me that Louis knows what Simon is about to tell us.

"Are we just going to sit here and stare at each other or what?" a small Irish accent sounded from across the room. I wanted so badly to chuckle at his foolishness and innocence, but it was a bad time.

I noticed Simon sit up a little straighter and purse his lips as he glaned at Niall. "First of all, you know that here at Syco, we're a family, right?"

Louis, Niall, and I nodded simultaneously. "Right."

"You know we trust each other and love each other for who we are... Right?"

"Right." I could feel my palms getting clammy and sweaty, which only made me even more nervous and scared than I already was to begin with.

Simon's dark, cold eyes zeroed in on me. "We accept each other, here. Okay?"

"Yes, sir."

"So let's start with this; tell me a deep secret about yourself that no one, not even the others, know." He had a slightly wicked smile playing around on his lips, which gave me a shiver. A bad shiver that I didn't appreciate. "Niall, you first."

My eyes broke away from the man behind the desk. My green orbs found Niall on the other side of the room. My throat itched and I felt extremely uncomfortable. Niall adjusted himself in his seat and fidgeted his thumbs.

"But you already know everything about me," the little blonde boy croaked up.

Simon's lips twitched up. "No, maybe not. Come on. Tell us anything."

"Uh..." Niall started. By the look on his face, I could tell he was thinking hard about this. Besides, we really did tell each other everything. "I'm jealous of Harry..."

"What?" I butted in, surprised at his words.

Simon immediantly held up his finger, silencing me instantly. "No reactions. Just speak. Harold, would you like to go?"

I glared up at Simon's figure, quite startled by Niall's responce and upset that he didn't let me finish. But instead of arguing, I decided to go with it. Simon was not one to mess with.

"Erm... My only secret is the fact that I am insanely scared right now because I know we're in trouble right now."

Simon gave me his best smile, then turned to Louis. "Fair enough. Alright."

Looking over at Louis once more, I could see that he had the most nervous expression on his face. More nervous than the time he glued Simon's door knob shut; more fidgetey than when he took that allergy medicine that gave him the creepiest side effects.

"Louis, why don't you tell us something that we don't-" Simon was cut off by Louis.

"Harry, I am so sorry! I told Simon that you have a crush on Niall and that's why we're here, but I didn't know he'd take it this far!" Louis yelled. "I am so, so, sorry! I still love you and you will forever be my best friend but I couldn't keep my mouth shut and now look at what I did! I apologize, Haz!"

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