Chapter 21

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Jasper's POV

I sighed and look down on ground, I heard small cries call out, I stand up and went to crib as I pick up my son.
"Hey son, it's okay." I said coos him.
He look so much like Kelly, he got her blonde colour hair and blue eyes too, I know I got blonde hair too but mine is dark blonde and Kelly is light blonde, my son got light blonde hair like Kelly.
Arthur look at me and still crying, he probably need his mom, I sighed.
"I'm sorry son, mummy is gone. She won't be coming back." I said sat on my bed with Arthur in my arms as I speak... "it's just you and me now."
Arthur stopped cries and look at me, "don't worry, mummy always love you, everyday." I said he play with my fingers, "she always has to." I added.
"You will see her one day." I sighed.

I heard door open and Arthur still in my arms, I turn to the door and it's Moria with milk bottle, "I put some blood inside." Moria said I nodded.
"How is he?" Moria asked I sighed.
"I was talking to him about his mother." I said, Moria gave sad smile.
"That sweet." Moria said pass me a bottle and feed Arthur in my arms.
"I don't know what to do anymore." I said break the silence after few minutes, "you got us and your son, you not alone, just be there for Arthur and Kelly could want you do that for her." Moria said I nodded in agreement.
"Thanks." I said Moria smile and left the room, I look down to Arthur.

After few minutes, I finished feed Arthur and burp him, I put him in crib and stroke his nose as he fell asleep.


Edward's POV

I watched Jasper walk downstairs, "hey bro, wanna go hunting?" Emmett asked Jasper shrugs his shoulder and nodded, "Eddie, coming?" Emmett asked I growl at him, "don't call me that." I said Emmett chuckles as I walk up to them and went to hunting.

I wish Kelly was here. Jasper thoughts, I sighed and stopped walking, "Jasper, we all miss her, okay? I know you want her back." I said Jasper kept head down, I can hear he sighed.
"Guys! Come look at this!" I heard Emmett yelled as we ran to him and we saw what he saw was, dead woman body on ground with bite mark on neck, we knew who did this, vampire.
"It's seem happen today." I said, there blood still wet and bleeding lots.
"That mean they here somewhere." Emmett said look round us to see if we can see vampires here or not but there isn't and we trying smell the scent but there isn't ones which is confusing.
"Shouldn't we be back home?" Jasper asked we all ran to the house and I could hear whimpers and sobbing.

We ran inside quickly to see what going on, "what happened?" Emmett asked.
"Denise was taken by vampire." Madison said Moria was hugging crying Mary, poor her and Denise.
"How long ago?" Emmett asked.
"Half hour ago." Carlisle said.
"We found dead body, a woman but it isn't Denise. We trying get the scent but there isn't one." I said Carlisle seem confused, this is confusing because, vampires does have scents but this one doesn't have scent and I'm assume it might be not a vampire but what is it?

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