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Sia pov.

Today I'm meeting Quincy at the park

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Today I'm meeting Quincy at the park. Marcus is going to work so I have to wait till he leaves. I don't know why Quincy just don't leave me alone. What we had was 2 years ago and he didnt even want me back than.

I'm watching orange is the new black on tv till I hear the door open and shut. I look out a window to see him pulling off. I wait 30 minutes and text Quincy I'm on my way. I put he's name as a girl name just in case Marcus ever gets hold of my phone. Before I leave I have to put some makeup on my face so it doesn't show as bad as it is.
Me-I'm coming.
Franny (qin name in her phone)- I'm on the way.

I get to the park before him and I see he's adui pull up. He hops out looking handsome as the day he left. He walks over to me and hugs me but I don't hug back.

"Damn it's like that sia?" I give him a death glare.

"Yes it's like that,now what do you want."I say not looking him in he's eyes.

"Well I wanted to apologize for what I did to you two years ago,he makes me look at him,I was wrong and I told you I was coming right back and didn't I'm truly sorry sia."he says with pleading eyes.

"Okay."I say to him.

"I missed you,you know that." He says giving me the biggest smile. He knows my weakness but I'm not falling for him again never again.

"I have a boyfriend."I whisper to him. He's face drops.

"Oh really who is he?" He says still with a straight face.

"He's name is Marcus and I live with him and we been dating for a year."I tell him trying to sound happy giving a fake smile.

"Can I meet him?"

"Nooo you can never meet him."I tell him is he crazy.

"Well does he treat you right?"I look at him.

"The best." I say giving a fake smile.

"I'm happy for you sia,but can me and you at least be friends." I ponder he's question and say why not we use to be the best of friends when I was younger as long as Marcus doesn't find out I'm good.

"Okay Quincy we can be friends."he jumps up and hugs me and spins me around. I start to laugh.

"Oh one more question."he says putting me down,well two really."

"What is it?"

"Why did you move?" My face drops and I put on a brave face.

"My granny died and I had no where to go I was homless for a while and depressed." I say looking down.

"Sia I'm so fucking sorry, I should have been here for you baby girl."he says holding my face.

"Yeah I really needed you,I was at my lowest."I say wanting to cry.

"Now for my other question,does this Marcus dude make you cum more than I did." My face went red and I pull away. I know he's trying to make me feel better but still.

"Quincy really."I say laughing.

"Nah I'm for real." He says looking at me laughing.

"I gota go I'll text Okay."I hug him bye and make my way home.

Me and Quincy will be just friends and I forgave him for leaving but I don't know about the virginity thing. I still gota talk to him about that one.


To be continued

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