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Quincy pov.

I can't believe I got her pregnant it's kinda fishy that she tells me now as soon as I say the weddings off. Me and sia gota talk about stuff now. Sia still looks shocked and I tell her to follow me. We go outside and I hug her.

"Aye listen-" she cuts me off by crying.

"Quincy what are you going to do you have another baby on the way and that means we can't be together." I look at her like she's crazy.

"That don't mean shit sia,ima still be with you and raise that child."I tell her holding her. Marcy starts to hug her head telling her. "It's Okay mommy."

"Look I love y'all and I got myself into this,I should have never gotten involved with her knowing I was still in love with you." She hugs me tighter.

"I really do love you and want to be with you Quincy but-" I cut her off her ass is not backing out of this I just got her back.

"Fucking listen to me,your not making another excuse to why you don't want to be with me!" I yell at her and she jumps.

"Look I didn't mean to yell I just don't want to lose you again,we finally got a chance at a family and I'm ready." She holds my face.

"Yeah your right I am ready to be a family with you I love you Quincy and I'm sorry it took me to long to realize." She kisses me and Marcy starts to clap.

"Yay mommy and daddy loves each other." She says in a kiddy voice.

"Marcy mommy and daddy have always loved each other." She starts to laugh.

"Mommy daddy loves me more." Then she sticks her tongue out. Sia rolls her eyes at her.

"Little girl your to old for your age." She puts her hand on her hips.

"I know." She says while wanting to be picked up by me. I pick her up and go back inside. I see Vicky bags in the living room.

"Well welll well,isn't it the happy family." She says laughing sarcastically.

"Look I'm sorry Vicky but you already knew it was always going to be sia,I'm sorry." She rolls her eyes.

"Oh save it no good nigga fuck you and your baby." Sia jumps up.

"What you say about my baby Bitch." Sia says coming up to her face.

"I said fuck -" Sia punches her right in the face and she screams.

"I'm fucking pregnant-" Sia cuts her off.

"Bitch yo face not,now get yo ugly ass out of here before I beat yo ass." I look at sia In shock.

"Wait How many months pregnant are you." I say to her before she leaves.

"Oh umm 4." She says in a unsure voice.

"4 where's your baby bump?" I ask looking at her confused. If I'm not mistaken you should have a baby bump by 4 months and she's not I can clearly see cause she has on a crop top.

"Look I gota go,I'll tell you about the baby later." She quickly leaves and gets into a car with a man. Who the fuck is that. Mmmh I gota get to the bottom of this shit.


To be continued......

Sorry for the short chapter

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