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2 years later. Picture of Marcy now ^
Sia pov.

Marcy is two years old now and she's just the cutest little thing. She's a daddy's girl and it drives me crazy. Quincy spoils the fuck out of her,and to answer your question no me and Quincy are not back together. He's engaged to Vicky. Yes I do still love him but he loves her and their going to be happy. I'm really happy for him. I don't really date people there's no use. I already had my one great love and he's moved on. Back then I was stupid but over the years raising Marcy has been great with him. He's spouse to be picking her up now. I go and answer the door.

"Hey sia." He says walking in.

"Hey Quincy,I put everything in her bag already."

"Mmmh that's great." I hand him the bag and he takes it.

"So you coming to the wedding?"

"I don't know yet does she want me there." He starts to laugh.

"Well I want you there."

"That's kind of weird I don't know if I can go -"

"I was wondering do you really want me to get married?" My heart stops.

"Umm what do you mean?" I ask picking up Marcy.

"I mean I'm giving you a chance to tell me you still love me and I'll leave Vicky for you." My heart stops.

"Quincy I do still love you but -" he cuts me off by kissing me.

"Then that's all that matters, you just have to give me time to tell Vicky it's over."

"Quincy I feel bad,I should have Been told you and we could have -"

"No it's Okay my feelings for you where always strong and never stoped growing."I kiss him again.

"I love you so much Quincy and I'm sorry it took me so long to come to my senses about you really."

"Mmmh I'm just glad you did." I kiss him again but Marcy pushes my face way and hugs me.

"Move mommy daddy's mine." I start to laugh and he dose too.

"Marcy how would you like mommy and daddy to be together?" Marcy eyes light up.

"Yay mommy daddy love each other again." She starts to dance. She's so cute I love it.

"You really have to tell Vicky that your not getting married anymore." I tell him. He nods his head.

"Yeah I was thinking of doing it now."

"Well good luck." He grabs my hand.

"Could you maybe come along with me please."

" I mean I don't know if that's -"

"Please come with me." I nod my head and we make our way to his car.

We get to him and Vicky's house.

"This is really crazy y'all have a whole house together I feel like I'm-".

"No your not I swear to you it's always been you I just never thought you would want me back."

"I'm sorry for all the shit we been through talk theses years and I truly do love you Quincy." I kiss him on the lips. I take Marcy out of her car seat and we make our way in the house.

Vicky comes out and her smile drops.

"What is your baby mama doing here Quincy." She says rolling her eyes.

"Vicky sit down we need to talk."

"Umm Okay." She sits down and I sit down too.

"Look Vicky me and sia are going to work things out and we can't get married anymore." She jumps up and hits me in my face.

"You home wrecking bitch." She says screaming. I kick her off me and start to fight back.

"I'm not home wrecking if we didn't do anything while y'all was together and he was mine first bitch." I say hitting her over and over again. Quincy breaks us up.

"Look Vicky you know I always loved her and this is my chance for me to have a family with her and Marcy.

"Fuck you Quincy,I'm fucking pregnant!!!" She yells at me. I look at him in shock.

"Your what ?" We both say.

"Bitch he might want you but I'll always be in your life cause I'm having his baby too." She tells me crying and going to the back.

Me and Quincy just look at each other shocked.


Well at least there back together right 😂🤷🏽‍♀️

Y'all go check out my new book. Go head and add it ima start posting chapters soon. 😄

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