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Anesia pov.

I can't believe Quincy would do some shit like that

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I can't believe Quincy would do some shit like that. He basically trying to trap me with a baby. I love Quincy I really do but he's crazy sometimes and I can't handle that type of stuff. Then he goes and pulls some shit like this. I missed him I really did but he has to much control over me and I had to let him go.

I have no family left and he's the closest thing I have to anything. I really do love do love Quincy but I had to let him go. I'm on my way to the store to get a pregnancy test. It's been about a week since me and him had sex.

I really don't have friends so I been cooped up in the house. Quincy was my only friend and the only person I talked to. I have no life but I do have a job so that's something to do.

I drive to the store and pick up some chips and a pregnancy test. I get the test and pay for it go home.

I go and owe on the test and wait till it comes up. While I'm waiting I'm watching shameless on Netflix and playing on my phone. I start to think about all the shit Quincy said to me before he left. I can't believe he called me a bitch and said he'll stay out of my life. All I really said is I didn't want to be with him. The shit he said really fucked yo my head and I can't believe he said and did those things to me. I feel like crying all over again. I really love Quincy but I think it's time to let him go. I look at the time and it's time to cheek the test. Before I get up I hear a knock on the door. I go and open it and I see Quincy standing there with flowers in his hands.

"What are you doing here Quincy." I tell him with a mean mug. He pushes me over and comes in.

"Look sia I'm sorry for what I said yesterday,it was fucked up and your not a bitch I was just mad." I take the flowers and nod my head.

"Do you forgive me ?" I don't know if I should He was mean to me yesterday.

"I don't know Quincy."he hugs me.

" I know what I did was fucked up at least be my friend." I hug him back

"Okay we can be friends Quincy.i tell him holding him tight.

"Thank you,I missed you sia."

"I missed you too,and just because we friends don't mean we back together." He starts to laugh.

"Yeah Okay sia I understand." He lets me go and sits down.

"But I'm for real about being sorry what I did and said was messed up."

"Yes it really was I can't believe you would even do some shit like that."

"I know it was fucked up and I'm sorry." He gets up.

"I gota use the bathroom where is it."

"It's back there."he goes to the back.

Quincy pov.

I go to the back To her bathroom. I'm glad she forgave me for what I did. That's all I thought about when I left her place yesterday. I know she was probably crying her eyes out last night because I said some fucked Up shit to her. I love anesia no matter what we go through and even though she don't want to get back together right now. Ima be her friend until she do. I get in the bathroom and go in. I close the door and I see a stick on the counter. I pick it up and it's a pregnancy test. It has two lines which mean sia is pregnant.

Oh shit I got her pregnant.


Opp what will sia think?!

He got her pregnant🤦🏽‍♀️.

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