my type of thing || 5

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Kiarra B.
"Y'all do any fucking thing i swear." Trey says, walking me to his car.

"I didn't do anything." I say.

"I just bailed you out of jail , it cost 10,000 . Do you have any way to pay me back ?" He asks.

"...." I didn't answer.

"My point exactly, so i'm going to take you to auntie house and you gone pack your shit then you living with me until she get back from flordia." He says.

"Helll no, and when the fuck she go to flordia ?" I say, getting mad.

"Yes, you shouldn't have made stupid decisions and you would've knew that she left earlier if you weren't in fucking jail. Why the hell were you even in jail ?" He asks.

"For vandalism.." I say.

"Did all of y'all go to jail or just you ?" He asks.

"All of us, they already made bail." I answer.

"Ok get out , go get your stuff and come back out." Trey says, pulling into my drive way.

I get out the car, and go inside my house. I grab my yellow suitcase and begin packing it. I packed my drawers in there first. Then i grabbed another suitcase, and packed my closet into it. For my shoes i put them in a garbage back and tied it up. I then went back out to his car.

"Put it in the trunk." He answers.

"Ight." I say, loading the stuff up.

[15 minutes later , at Trey's house]
I walk inside the house to see safari, deyonte, and some random girl.

"Hey Yonteee !!" I say, going to hug him.

Deyonte and me are so close i swear , he knew Trey for forever.

"Wassup , lil bills." He says, hugging me back.

"Hey safari" I say.

"Hey Ki" He says, licking his lips.

"Okay so uhm , who is this ?" I ask, referring to the girl.

"This is my girlfriend, Taylor." Trey says.

Taylor was cute, but all the other girls he brought home every week were too. So she isn't going to stick around most likely.

"Nice to meet you, im Kiarra Trey's little sister

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"Nice to meet you, im Kiarra Trey's little sister." I say.

"Hi nice to meet you, you're very pretty." She says, flashing a smile.

"Thanks , you too." I say, sitting on the couch.

"So anyway, why yo sister got half her room packed ?" Deyonte asked.

"Her dumbass went to jail last night, i bailed her out this morning." Trey said.

"What yo little ass then did ?" Safari said laughing.

"Don't worry about all a that." I said, beginning to walk to my room.

I went inside my room and closed the door. Man i hate bugs, when i closed the door it was the biggest centipede on the wall next to it.

"HELPPPPPP !" I screamed.

Safari to my suprise came running in.

"What's wrong mama ?" He asked.

"Kill that shit !" I said , jumping onto my bed.

He closed the door, and took his shoe off to kill the bug, that dirty thing fell off his shoe and onto my floor.

"Throw it away !" I yell.

He picked it up inside his hand and ran over to me. I ran from where he was so fast.

"Put it down bruh stop playing !" I yell.

"You gotta give me some pussy first." He said, smirking.

"No." I said.

"Well then that's too bad .." He said, coming closer to me.

"Noo! Okay fine fine." I said.

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