my type of thing || 11

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Kiarra B.
"Byeee !" I say, kissing him.

"Bye baby, now we in agreeance not to text eachother on messages right ?" He asks.

"Yeah only dms." I say, getting out the car.

I begin walking to my car, as i'm getting in i get a facetime call.

Baby🤞🏽💙 would like to facetime....

I answer the phone, and he looked pissed.

"Hello ?" I say.

"Who dah fuck was you just in the car with ?" He screams at me.

"My moms boyfriend..."I say, on the verge of tears.

I hate getting yelled at believe it or not.

"Mannn you lying bad as fuck." He says.

"No im not.." I say, tears rolling down my face.

"Man okay, baby i'm sorry stop crying. Come home right now." He says.

"No, imma just stay here for tonight see you in the morning." I say,

"Okay, bye baby i'm sorry." He says.

I nod my head, and hang up. I decided i'd just stay here tonight. I get out the car, and walk to my aunts door. I had a key, so i just unlocked the door and went straight inside.

"Heyyy buttercup !" My auntie came running towards me.

"Hey tt." I say, hugging her.

"Wassup baby, i missed you." She says.

"Oh my so much stuff has happeneddd !" I say, sitting at the bar stool.

"Tell me." She says, sitting next to me.

"So basically i was messing with Trey's friend, but then i messed around with deyonte as a one time thing. But then i found out Trey's friend had a girlfriend so i cut him off. Then i ended up dating Deyonte. Butttttt now i'm kind of sorta messing with Trey's friend again but i still date Deyonte." I say.

"So basically you're stuck between two ?" She says, laughing.

"Yesss !" I say, laughing.

"This happened to me when i was your age. Well what you wanna do is , let the best nigga win." She says.

"Auntieeee wait thing is Trey's friend still has a girlfriend though." I say.

"Honey trust me, he'll drop her for you without a doubt." Auntie Tori says.

"You right." I say, laughing.

"Okay so, im just wondering have you had sex with both of them ?" She says.

"No, but i have done some things with both of them." I say.

"Who better ?" She asks.

"Both of em !" I say, laughing.

"Oh lord child." She says, laughing.

"Well i'm bout to go to sleep, i love you tt." I say, kissing her cheek.

"I love you too buttercup." She says.

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