xv. reality.

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❝ please be patient with me

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please be patient with me.

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TO SAY Juliette was nervous was an understatement. Her hands were shaking and she pacing up and down Juniper's penthouse living room and she wanted to scream but she knew Sebastian would be arriving shortly.

She begged Juniper to stay with her for moral support but Juniper just shook her head and shot her Spanish best friend a wink as she exited the expensive building, saying "You'll be fine, babe. I believe in you and I'm sure he does as well, you haven't felt a connection like this for a while. Love you!"

Juliette's head was spinning and she stared at her tired reflection in the mirror, her grey sweatpants and loose white crop top making her appear even more tired but she shrugged it off and took in a deep breath just as the doorbell buzzed loudly.

She straightened up as she travelled towards the door and she could see the top of Sebastian's chest through the peep-hole.

Juliette didn't realise how tall he was until she became face to face with him and to the both of them, it felt very different from before; no lust-filled glances, no alcohol in there bodies (although Jules did take a few shots to fill her with confidence.) It was just their normal selves.

When Juliette first opened the door and saw Sebastian, he thought she looked beautiful. A beautiful wreck: tiny bags under her dark eyes, her clothes hanging onto her small figure tighly and a nervous but grateful smile gracing her plump lips.

It took all the power in him to stop him from kissing her and telling her that everything would be okay.

"Sebastian." She breathed, her eyes meeting his bright blue ones and he shot her a sad smile after his eyes scanned her face. Juliette wasn't thinking properly as she lept forward into his taller body, her arms wrapping around his torso and she felt tears begin to water in her eyes but she quickly pulled away before he could finish hugging her back.

"Hey Jules." He returned the greeting as she pushed the door open wider and let him into Juniper's home. Sebastian caught her bite her lip and play with her fingers after she wiped her tears away just as she led him into the living room.

There was a pregnant silence between the two of them but it wasn't awkward. It was just two people who were affectionate towards each other trying to sort out their relationship business. But it didn't last long anyway as Juliette spoke up reasonably loud.

"I'm really sorry we had to do this here and we couldn't do it at, um, mine but there was some complications, which I'll be explaining later to you, which meant I had to move in with Juniper. I'm also sorry for dragging you into such a commotion because --"

Sebastian cut her off quickly. "Juliette, none of this is just your fault. If we never had met, I think everything would've been remotely okay but I hate to say that if I never met you, I would've been highly disappointed because this time I've spent with you, no matter how little it's been, has been amazing."

Juliette's head dipped down and a few years slid down her tanned cheeks before she sniffed and looked at him dead in the eyes. She paused to think carefully about what to say and how to say her words correctly after she offered him a drink and then re-entering the room and proceeding to sit opposite him.

She told him everything and he just listened.

She cried, finishing her little speech with forming puffiness underneath her eyes and he offered her a tissue.

Sebastian was pissed. He didn't understand how someone, aka Roman, could treat such a genuine, lovely and beautiful girl like Juliette in such a abusive way and Seb wanted to make everything right.

By now, it was hours later, Sebastian and Juliette sitting on the couch with his arm over the back of it, hand caressing her shoulder ever so gently and a glass of red wine in front of them with the buzz of the tv in the background.

With a soft kiss pressed to her forehead, everything WAS PERFECT.

 [discontinued.] thinking bout you. ( s.s. )Where stories live. Discover now