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"Here we go."Tony says as we enter the choosing ceremony."Good luck."And walks away.Good  luck? I ask myself. this has nothing to do with luck.It's a choice, not a children's game that relys on simply luck to win and this, the choosing ceremony does not require a strategy. I want to ask him what he means by that but he has faded into the crowd, a skill he has always had. I sit down and prepare myself for the looks of annoyance from my mother when I choose Dauntless. Should I choose Dauntless?I have to choose quickly because they call the names in alphabetical order and my last name begins with B.Cristina Barcella.Dauntless Dauntless Dauntless Dauntless Dauntless Dauntless Dauntless Candor! UGH!! I can't think straight. The first name is called although I dont hear the name I see the boy a bit taller than me, walk up on the stage.I can tell by his clothing he's Amity.He walks up pricks his palm and pours the blood into the Amity bowl filled with dirt. the 5 bowls represent the 5 factions.each holds something about that faction Amity dirt, Candor glass, Dauntless hot coals, Abnegation stones, and Erudite water.Once you put your blood in one, it's permanent. Names are called one by one and the kids come up and. choose their faction.

"Cristina Barcella."My name. I walk up onto the stage, take the knife, cut my hand and stare at the Candor and Dauntless bowls.I let my blood drop into one of the bowls. I hear my blood simmer on the hot coals.I'm Dauntless.

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