|ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8|

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Waking up the next morning was quite easy for you. It's not that you were a light sleeper, it's just the fact that your body has gotten used to awakening at early hours. The sun was only peeking over the horizon when your eyes slowly fluttered open, expecting to see Isidra in the ratty bed next to yours. Panicking for a second, you began to worriedly wonder what happened to you and your dear 'sister'. You jumped out of bed, ready to go search for her and fight any opponents who dared take her. Only when you were out of the luxurious bed did you remember the events of yesterday.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. He gave me away to that weird magi with the black hair." You let out a small sigh before looking for your clothes from yesterday. They were not there. 'What happened to my garments?' You began to search the room, looking for anything you could wear. The drawers contained items but they weren't to wear, just seeming to be basic necessities. You then check the large dresser only to find that empty as well. You sighed before seating yourself back on the bed. You looked to the side and stared at the mirror on the desk. Contemplating the decision in your head, you finally made your choice and sat in front of the mirror.

You opened one of the drawers and found what you were looking for, a wide-tooth comb and some clips. Parting your curly hair somewhat in the middle, you clipped one side up. You then parted the other half into two parts and clipped the one closer to your face up. Looking at the comb for a good minute, you finally grabbed it and began to slightly detangle your hair. You were being very careful as to not brush it out completely because then it would brush out the curls and your hair would puff up and take over your head. More than it already does.

So that went on. You slowly combed each section of your hair. It had been a while since it was detangled so it wasn't the easiest of tasks, but it definitely wasn't the hardest. Despite being a slave for most of your life, your hair was quite healthy, probably because Isidra took care of it most of the time. When you were almost done with the last section, the door to your room suddenly opened and a maid entered. When she realized you weren't in your bed she looked quite startled but when her eyes made contact with your (e/c) ones, she looked like she may have fainted.

"M-my apologies for entering without w-warning! Most residents are not awake at this time!" You only raised from your seat with a gentle smile and a gesture, urging her to continue.

"I have brought different outfits for you to choose from. I will leave them here so you can decide what to wear for now on." She was about to set the different clothes on a bar to hang from, but you quickly stopped her with a hand and a close-eyed smile.

"Please don't go through the trouble. I'll take this one," You took the red dress with black gloves and leg wear.

"You can take the others back and save the trip for later. The maid looked shocked at your words, but slowly nodded her head and managed to squeak out a 'Yes ma'am' before hastily grabbing the rest of the garments and exiting your room.

You only sighed once again and sat down to resume your work. When finished with the last section, you went over your entire head again, trying to get out as many knots as possible. You pulled out a small bottle of oil from the drawer and placed a little in your hands before rubbing it in your hair.

"I can't leave it out today, it'll get in my face and not to mention make me sweaty." You thought for a moment before settling on a half up, half down style. You parted the hair with your fingers and put the hair on top in a bun, adding a hair clip just in case. You brushed the bottom out with your fingers and smiled at yourself in the mirror. 'I'll wash it eventually.'

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