|ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15|

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The warm wind from the sea blew against you, yet it didn't chill you. People stared at you and the magi with astonished and slightly frightened looks on their faces. They didn't seem like they recognized him, more like people flying in over the ocean was pretty weird. You couldn't blame them for staring.

Judar looked around in boredom. He obviously did not care for this place. The wand he held in his hand twirled between his fingers, seeming to attract many eyes. He smirked at the attention he was getting and turned to you. He opened his arms out as if presenting you with something amazing.

"Ta-da! Welcome to Balbadd." The hint of malice in his voice threw you off. You could tell it wasn't directed towards you but you knew he had some sort of bad intention. You looked around. Sure the place looked nice physically, but you didn't like the aura you got. The people did not look to be in the best of health and they all seemed to be going in one direction.

"Okay (Y/n), we're here for business so you have to act professional." He stood there with his hands on his hips looking down at you. You simply nodded your head in understanding at his words. It's not like you would act unprofessional anyway, you knew better. He looked around for a second, then he looked at you again. He began to examine how you looked, scanning your body with his eyes. He didn't seem to have an issue until he got to your waist. His eyes narrowed.

"Take that off... and those gloves." He was pointing and the long strip of fabric tied around your waist. You looked down at it and began to untie it, neatly folding the long fabric. You didn't know what to do with it, so you placed it on top of the turban. The dress you wore was two pieces so your midriff was now exposed, showing off the defined muscles of your abdomen. You took your gloves off next and placed them on the turban as well. You faced Judar again and he looked you over once more. You slightly resembled his outfit more despite the difference in the styles. Your feet were bare and tight sleeve-like things were around your legs. He would've told you to take them off but considering how short your skirt was, he didn't want everyone to get a view of what was his.

"All right let's go." The turban flew away from you to who knows where and you watched as the magi began to walk in the direction most people were going. You quickly followed after, walking behind him. Judar had dropped you both off in a spot that wouldn't draw too much attention, but also wouldn't be too far a walk. He was lazy after all.

People were either heading in the same direction or sitting along the streets. It seemed easy for Judar to ignore everyone, however, all the sickly-looking people caught your eye. It was almost impossible for you to ignore them. Mothers held their children close to them, afraid of losing them. They all looked skinny and feeble, obvious victims of poverty and the harsh realities of the world. You noticed some writing on a few buildings. From the few glimpses you caught of it, all you read was 'gather in front of the palace'. That explained why so many people were going in the same direction.

Your distance from the palace got smaller and smaller and the crowd of people began to increase in size. You continued to follow behind the dark magi as he seemed to know where he was going. The front entrance of the castle finally came into view or what you supposed was the entrance considering there were a bunch of people in the way. Judar stopped for a second looking at all the people and groaned in annoyance. Then he looked back at you.

"Remember (Y/n), strictly here for political reasons. So you can't be all over me like you usually are." Now you were beginning to think he was delusional. You stared at him in confusion with your mouth slightly opened. He gave you a smirk before turning back around and starting into the crowd of people. You followed after him, weaving through people looking hopefully up at the palace. For the most part, they were easy to get through, barely even moving. Then out of nowhere, someone fell into your side.

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