Friends Back Together

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The female smiled at the two gingers and the short brunette, Ell, then looked at Edd with an expression of nothingness. The brown haired male looked back at her with a bit of worry, thats when Tamara ran towards him with a smile glued on her face. Then Edd began running to her as well. When they finally met, the male picked her up by the waste and swung her around in a circle, it was almost like when a couple saw eachother after a long time in a movie. She giggled until he finally put her down and her lips met his cheek for a sweet kiss. He kissed her back with a smile and a bit of blush on his face.

Edd- I'm so happy to see you, are you okay? Let me guess you got those scars from Tord, uhg the idiot wait till I get my hands on him-

Tamara- Edd I'm fine! Heh, and if anyone beats up Tord that's going to probably be me or Tom. Yes the scars are from Tord, but it's more from that stupid visor.

The male sighed and placed his hand on her cheek.

Edd- I'm just glad you're okay.

She smiled when putting her hand on his that was on her cheek. Tam closed her eyes then after a sweet moment she opened them to look at the man infront of her.

Matt- Okay, okay we get it you two-

Matilda- -you're adorable.

The tall female ginger said finishing the male's sentence.

Tamara- Says the Love Birds.

Matt&Matilda- Hey!

The crazy gingers began to blush as they looked at eachother then the ground. Tom and Ell walked over to the four to join the conversation.

Tom- So how did you get out this time?

Tamara- Well I woke up without the visor then grabbed my pistol and tried to sneak out of my room but.... Paul and Pat were gaurding it, which this ended up with me having to hit them a few times and run.

Tom- Sounds like usual except it's usually not Paul and Patryck, and you usually don't wake up with no visor. That's a little weird if you ask me.

Tamara- Yeah....

Ell- I'm just so happy you're back Tam.

Ell tightly hugged Tamara and Edd look a few steps back while smiling. Suddenly Matilda gasped. Everyone thought someone had followed their lost friend on her way here and turned to see just Matilda and Matt staring at Tamara's face.

Matilda- Oh my gosh! Your poor face!

Ell- Damn that must have hurt

Matt- How could you survive with all of those horrible scars!

Tom&Tamara- Pftttt hahahaah

The two began to laugh, they knew that Matt and Matilda were thinking that the scars would ruin their looks or something like that.

Tamara- It's not as bad as you guys think, it did hurt after a while. Butttt you get used to it.

Edd- Well I hope they heal or something

The brunette male smiled softly and Ell stopped clinging onto her friend with a hug.

Tom- It's probably going to take a long time for these to heal, Edd.

Edd- Well it's better to hope than to not to.



ord- Paul! Patryck!

Red Leader sat back in his chair with his hand over his eyes. He had called Paul, Patryck, and Tamara in all ways possible in the Red Army Base. And to be honest he was starting to worry.... and get a headache. The male had checked Tamara's room seventeen times, no sight of them. Gosh does he wish he put cameras around the base.

A knock could be heard on the door of Red Leader's office and Tord said "Come In" with a sigh. He sat up straight and acted almost like everything was normal. Four soilders came in and saluted to him.

Tord- If Paul, Patryck, or Tamara haven't come back by tomorrow I will send you out to look for them. Got it.

???- Yes sir.

Tord- Good. Now you can go back to training.

They saluted once more then headed out of the room. Tord leaned back in his chair again with a sigh.

Tord- They'll be back. They always come back.

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