Your First Encounter.

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Were you in on this!?

Did Damian put you up to this- of course he did!

Where are you?


It's time to come out now!

Oh- it was good, it was good, you almost had me!


Growing up in your oddly large home, some might say manner, had its ups and downs: you never got bored, had lots of ground to run amuck on, always won at hide and seek, had lots of ground to run amuck on and often got lost in your early days. Sometimes you still forgot where you were if you weren't paying attention, though soon was able to find out your location due to the surroundings. While it was your home it wasn't really...welcoming to say the least. Something about it had always seemed off to you. was evil. As you grew older you realized how stupid that sounded, homes couldn't be evil! They couldn't be anything but a place to live in! Although sometimes the things that lived in a house weren't always of the living as you've come to know. Around the age of Ten you had learned a new word: Ghost. It had come up on a show you happened to be passing while channel surfing using you to pause and look it up; as it turns out you had always had one of those watching over you. He had always been there no matter where you went helping out, watching silently, keeping you safe and so on though you never knew why. Why you?

Maybe you never would but that didn't bother you to much, he was your friend after all.

Now a days it seemed that dream had been taking over your mind every time you had closed your eyes. Whom it was that was talking you didn't know, you could never see them it was all just...a void. Your gut burned white hot, it was dark, you were dizzy but yet you couldn't feel anything. You were completely numb. Who was yelling? Why was he laughing? What was with that horrid ringing noise!? It was piercing enough to make your ears bleed- if you even had ears in this dream. No matter how hard you tried to touch anything all you felt was nothing...nothing at all.

Shaking the memory off once again you made your way down the street to your new job. Getting the best of the best grades in your classes, acting naturally, it was a bit hard to believe that you were hired right away. It was with a bigger company, a rather fast growing and well respected company at that, so why you had been picked up the instant you were out was beyond you. "So...I take it you had nothing to do with this?" You hummed glancing at your reflection as you walked past a few shops.

Hearing a low chuckle from the man in the red robe keeping pace next to you in the glass his completely black eyes turned towards you as he smiled warmly, "I have no idea what you're talking about my dear."

"Really now? This application just happened to get sent to the fastest growing and most well known, respectable groups knowing very well that I didn't sent it?" You reasoned with a soft giggle once more, watching as he fixed his collar.

"Now why would I do that lovely? Why would I help you meet your dreams?" The specter continued with a smirk knowing damn well he had sent it, borrowing your body while you slept, to get you to take that next big step.

"Oh don't you give me that innocent smile Mark we both know that you-"

"How may I be of assistance today miss?" A voice startled you out of your conversation with your long time friend. Standing in front of you was a man with a dark blue shirt holding an oddly glowing G over his chest looked at you with a calculating, cold gaze. Oh...apparently you had entered the building without noticing it.

"O-oh well um...I'm here for an interview; my name is-"

"(Name)." He interrupted bluntly, "Yes I've been informed of your arrival, follow me."

Quickly nodding you fell in step slightly behind the odd man. He was oddly...stiff if that was the right word. Almost like he wasn't really Human, the man seemed to be slightly robotic. Shaking your head to get the dumb thought out of your head you looked around you as others rushed by. Some chatting, some laughing, some rushing about to get to where ever it is they were suppose to be. It all seemed rather normal. Smiling your attention was once more grabbed by the man you hadn't gotten the name of.

"You will be chatting with the head of the company and his partner. I do not intend on giving you my name until it is set in stone you will be working here. Do not waste their time." He informed before opening a rather large door and all but shoving you inside. Turning to watch it slam shut you could've sworn he had a somewhat evil smirk on his lips. Turning to look at whom it was you would he talking to you saw two men. One sitting in a chair with a black suit, looking very well kept but a bit pail while the other wore rather bright clothing with a pink mustache to match. One looked at you as if you were nothing but a worm while the other held a rather insane glint in his.

"Hello there you must be (Name). You may call me Dark this." He said motioning towards the other male who was now fixing his bowtie, "Is Wilford. Please...sit."

Sitting down in the mentioned chair you offered them a warm but nervous smile, "Hello. I'm very please that you decided to see me!" Watching the two eye you like Lions did a kill you glanced at reflection in the TV hanging on the wall seeing your long time friend behind you holding your shoulders.

'Oh Mark...what did you get me into...?''

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