Who Do They Think You Are?

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      After the lovely random recording epidemic of randomness you had gone back to your dressing room and changed back into your usual attire, but left the makeup and hair. Yan had done such a lovely job you'd hate to ruin it simply because the recording was over. Slipping back into your much more comfortable shoes, nothing was wrong with the ones given to you for the shoot but damn if heels didn't get painful after a while, before heading out the door and towards what you were suppose to be doing about an three hours ago. Heading to one of the many offices in the building that was a bit out of the way much like his brothers; you had been told they were brothers but had never see the second so you couldn't be sure. Knocking on the wooden door before entering, you smiled at the male you saw sitting at his desk that was littered with books and half written scripts. "Hello Author. So sorry about the wait but Wilford decided he needed to record a dance for his viewers."

"No worries." He chuckled back as he sat his Quill down and turned to face you, "My brother told me that it was bound to happen. Now that you're here we do need to speak of that script, dove." Pulling over another chair he smiled as you sat down before turning back to the many papers scattered around his desk. Pulling out a bundle he handed it over to you, allowing you to look it over as he talked you through it.

"This is the direction I've been told to go in for you and Wilford next skit. It's something a bit old school when it comes to the romance. Something more..." he trailed off while snapping his fingers like he usually did while trying to find the right approach, "...hidden behind a friends smile and longing looks. The ever reclusive Dark stepped in on this project my dear, apparently he needed to make sure Wilford didn't make it to, as he put it, annoyingly sweet." Smirking as he heard you chuckle he could only nod in agreement as he watched you scan the words on the paper before flipping the page.

"Well I can seen his influence in it clearly now that you've brought it up." You snorted, "If you hadn't told me I would have wondered if Wilford was doing ok. This certainly isn't like him at all. Never would've pegged Dark for the romantic type...then again I'm not really sure what to peg him as. He's such a strange and complicated man." You muttered while finishing the script; you hadn't honestly read it just skimmed it to get an over all feel for it.

"Now then, seeing as how you've looked through it my dear do you have any comments? Complaints?" He hummed lacing his fingers together as he watched you, his gaze unreadable.

"No, I think I'm good here. If anything comes up I'll be sure to ask you. Does Wilford have one yet?" Glancing up at him as he hands you a second stack you chuckled as you got your answer, "Guess not."

"Sorry, but I haven't had the time. Dark and Wilford have been working me to the bone with all of these scripts, story boards and outlines." Author stretched with a soft groan as his back popped.

Standing you chuckled while shaking your head and putting the chair back in its rightful space, "I'll bring you a lunch again; Japanese again?"

"Oh you know me so well my dear, thank you." Author all but purred as he took your free hand and kissed your knuckles in appreciation, "Without you I'm afraid I'd be missing many a meals lovely."

Rolling your eyes as you ignored the faint heat in your cheeks as his usual flirty ways you turned and headed out the door with a call, "Thats what I do~! Taking care of my boys. Speaking of, I'll bring the mystery twin something too. Can't have him missing meals either now can we?" Honestly sense you've never seen him you weren't even sure if he left his room durning the day. Maybe sometime you'd sneak away for a few minutes and attempt to track this mystery man down.

Heading towards the first room you always checked when trying to find the man of the hour, you swore sometimes he just seemed to teleport at random, you wondered what exactly he'd think of the script this time. Sometimes he'd laugh, be moved to tears and on occasion fly into a rage but all you could do was try to calm him down in various ways depending on the reaction. Knocking before opening the door to his dressing room you sighed upon finding the room Warfstache less. Great. Scanning the room to see if there were any clues, you found none and simply closed the door before heading to the second destination on your mental list if hide away places for the actor; the stage. Upon getting to the door and opening it you saw Bim up there laughing and chatting with some contestants on his game show letting you know quickly Wilford wouldn't be near the stage. Getting to know the man, yes he was an over dramatic drama queen at once but he was not a stage hog shockingly enough. You respected that about him. Turning on your heel and giving a warm smile to one of the odd looking identical men, this one in a Green shirt, as you passed him you made your way towards the last place you thought he might be.

Darks office.

It was the largest of the offices in the building you'd found, not much of a shock seeing as how this was Dark after all and he did enjoy the more lavish things in life as well as his space, but if all else failed Wilford was usually not to far from the head of the company. It was so strange how the two seemed to gravitate towards one another on their own, sure Dark was the head of the company and had to keep up with what his workers were doing but Wilford almost seemed to be like a co-owner. Partners, as you were told they were, in this business usually didn't consist of two so different people who seemed to be the exact opposite in just about everything. Maybe they'd grown up together and over the years changed with what ever life had decided to do to them? That was the only way this made any sense to you with how they both acted, dressed and argued.

Just before knocking you noticed the door wasn't closed completely and were about to let yourself in figuring that maybe he'd just left and forgotten to close the door on his way out but froze hearing the tone Wilford was using; he seemed scared. "I'm telling you they remember!"

"That isn't possible." Dark countered his voice calm but on edge none the less, not to mention that odd ringing, "They're dead Wilford you know this. They're gone. There is no way they're the same person we knew. If they remembered why not say something? Why work for us? Surely if it were them, they would've said something by now about that night."

"You heard what they called me!" He snapped slamming his hands down on what you assumed was Darks desk, "They must know something- why else would they...this doesn't make any sense!" Wilford laughed seemingly a bit crazed.

"Calm down." Dark sighed before continuing after the laughter had stopped, "Now if this really is them we need to be careful. The only way this is possible is a reincarnation...no way they could've gotten out of that mirror without a body. If they remember then they either hold no ill will against us, or simply just want to pretend they do not. But...if they don't remember we need to thread carefully. We both risk reminding them of their past and ruining our goals Wilford. We cannot allow them to get in our way; I know you don't want to end up hurting them, especially not again, but we must do what has to be done old friend."

Remember? Who were they talking about? You'd never met them before the interview so why did they think you knew something? Why would they even hire you if they thought that?! Taking a step back as you heard Wilford sigh and agree with the other male you suddenly felt panicked. Where they going to fire you? Worse, were they going to hurt you? You didn't do anything wrong, you'd been the perfect employe so why was Dark making this sound like they'd end up killing you if you got in their way?! Hearing them begin to move towards the door you quickly fled the scene not about to let them know you had over heard their conversation.

Dropping the papers somewhere along the way in your panicked dash for somewhere safe you shoved past people as if your life did very well depend on it. Wilford wouldn't do that. He wouldn't hurt you, he'd almost shot someone before because they had insulted you there was just no way! Dark...he was hard to read but you hadn't upset him in anyway so why did he sound like he was more than willing to cover up your untimely death!? Rushing into the women's bathroom you locked yourself in and stopped in front of the sink. Looking at yourself in the mirror as you leaned on the cool metal you shakily asked, "Mark...? A-are you there?"

"I'm always here when you need me dear, you know this." A voice echoed before the figure of your life long friend began to materialize behind you, "Now what is it? Need some more advice for a skit? Or maybe- (Name) what happened? Look at you, you look like you just saw a ghost...bad expression I know forgive me." Mark cooed as he looked at you with a concerned expression while he placed his hands on your shoulders.

"I-I heard...Wilford and Dark they...they think I'm someone else. They think I know something- that dance brought up a memory that isn't mine! Ive never danced with a soldier in my home before! If I get in their way Wilford agreed with Dark, he said he'd do what he had to do. Wilford doesn't want to hurt me, Dark said so, but he agreed! He agreed..." You trailed off tears welling up in your eyes as you began to panic. Hearing Mark hush you and hum gently as he wrapped his arms around you in a gentle embrace he waited for a moment before speaking.

"Now my dear I did warn you. I tried to tell you but you simply didn't understand. I am truly upset that you had to hear that for yourself but I am glad that you understand who they truly are now. Not to worry. I won't let anything happen to you." He assured as you shut your eyes and all but crumbled into his hold, unaware of the veins around his eyes growing black as he spoke his expression stern, "Nothing will take you away from me (Name)."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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