A Distant Memory?

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      The commute to work, much like the commute to anything given your current living condition, was a pain in the ass though over the next month seemed to only grow in it's annoyance. Not only was the drive long but it was somewhat nerve-racking thanks to your position, so the mental list you had to triple check was astounding. Working closely with Wilford, both as an actor and as somewhat of an assistant, had a great risk it seemed. Sure he was a gentleman, to you he seemed to be anyway, but he had quite a taste for madness. Causing trouble, bringing a loaded weapon to work -which Dark aloud for some ungodly reason- and being somewhat of an insane man all together caused you to always be on edge when around him. Making sure he was kept calm had turned out to be a basic part of your job after an incident consisting him pull his gun on a man who had made a snide comment towards you in front of Wilford; needless to say he got fired.

Dark on the other hand was a bit more difficult to deal with. Naturally sticking around Wilford for most of the day would end with you running into Dark more than once as he spoke to Wilford, and occasionally you, about various things. The head of the company was well spoken, clearly held himself in a high regard and seemed all together well kept bot inside and out. That was until you had overheard him get into an argument with someone you didn't recognize the voice of. Bringing him his drink one day you had stopped just short of knocking upon hearing his angry voice snapping at a higher Irish sounding one, but it didn't sound normal. Darks voice seemed to be echoing and somehow coming from multiple places while the other had a weird stutter to it as if it was just a recording that had been damaged. Something about the tone and growls of your boss made your blood run colder than it ever had before, deep down you knew he was more dangerous than he seemed.

"Someone seems deep in thought." A voice piped up startling you slightly.

"Well duh, what else am I suppose to be huh? My boss seems to be putting up a mask to everyone and the man I work with is one wrong comment away from being a murderer." You huffed in response unsure why he had decided to pick this place to have you work for; Mark could've chosen literally anywhere in the world yet he chose there.

"Dark is more than he appears yes, but Wilford..." Mark trailed off growling a bit, something you didn't hear him do often unless he was being over dramatic in a playful manner, "...do not trust him. That man is more of a danger than you could ever know."

"But I could...if you told me." You countered glancing at the empty seat beside you for a brief second, "You could tell me anything and everything you know, but you won't. You keep secrets, I know you do Mark, I'm not an idiot."

"There are things you don't need to know (Name)." Mark continued sternly, "Do not test me on this matter my dear, trust me you will not like what you find at the end of this tale. It is one of betrayal and a deep-seated rage."

Parking the car rather roughly you got out, slamming the car door behind you. "How would I know? After all I'm not trusted enough to know." You huffed while getting into the elevator, the shiny walls around you giving you the ability to once more see the taller male, "That doesn't matter now anyway does it? I've know know you, what, my hole life? Mark my home is your home, how am I not suppose to wonder what happened there?"

"My life was ruined what else could it be!?" Drawing a deep breath to calm himself you were sure your eyes were playing tricks on you as you saw, for only a brief moment, the veins around the fuzzy mans eyes seeming to grow black. Blinking rapidly before rubbing your eyes, once you looked back he was normal again. Maybe you needed more sleep...

"I am sorry my sweet, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." He apologized while smoothing the front of his house coat, "I do hope you have a good day at work. If you need anything just call."

It's Not Fair, Is It? (DarkiplierXReaderXWilford)Where stories live. Discover now