Words etched in a tree.

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{3rd person}
It was your 3rd year at Hogwarts and everything seemed to be going well for you. You were passing your classes, making friends and you even had a crush. Yes, you had easily fallen for the blonde Slytherin Prince, Draco Malfoy. You had just realized that you were in fact gay yourself once you had found your mind playing games with you one evening.

You were lying in your bed, your Gryffindor dorm you shared with Dean, Seamus and Ron. You had your curtains drawn around your four postered bed as you placed a silencing charm. You talked in your sleep a lot of the time and the others got annoyed quite often with your numerous outbursts. So Ron made sure to remind you of the charm every night. Which you recently discovered was a blessing in disguise.

You see young one, as you tried falling asleep, you began dreaming of Malfoy. No reason behind it. You just started thinking of his hair and how pretty it was and that you would love to tangle your finger into it and mess it up. Or his grey eyes that seemed to shine like the moon itself. His face in general gave you goosebumps and made you smile. Then the dream turned into something else. And your hand soon discovered a new territory underneath you boxers.

Let's just say, you did more then just talk in your sleep that night. And woke up the next morning confused until you remembered the dream the night prior. Smiling to yourself, you through the dream in the back of your mind and got ready for the day ahead.

As much as you tried, you just couldn't stay away from Mal-Draco. It just seemed that the world was against you as you would keep running into each other (literally) in the hallways or the Great Hall. He would always look up at you just as you locked eyes with him during breakfast. He'd grin before looking back at his food. It took you days to get over everything. Your stress and anxiety levels were through the roof.

It was a now Saturday afternoon, you had no classes so you decided to go for a walk along the grounds of the school. You told Hermione and Ron that you just needed to clear your head as you left the school. As you walked, you came upon an old oak tree covered in moss overlooking the Great Lake. You took another look closer and found a pocket knife was sticking out of it.

All you wanted to do was scream your feelings for Draco to the world but you couldn't. Seeing as you're nothing but the golden boy he teases day in and day out. Thoughts were buzzing through your head as you pulled the knife out of the tree and went to work carving something into it.

Slowly you backed away and smiled at your biggest secret.

I love you DLM. -HP inside a heart.

You stabbed the pocket knife back into the tree as you took a deep breath. You ran your finger tips over your work slowly before turning on your heels to the school. Your heart thumping loudly in your chest.

It was now the morning of graduation. Professor McGonagall had required the 8th years to get in their caps and gowns before heading the the Great Hall. You woke up earlier than most, nervous jitters. You decided once again to take a walk to your normal spot near the lake.

As you slowly walked, you remembered the last time you were out here, the old oak tree coming into view. You ran over to it and smiled. The pocket knife still in its place. You found your secret and ran your finger tips over it once more. Until your eyes drifted downward. Someone had written something underneath it within the heart.

I love you too HP - DLM ♥️

Your heart flipped inside your chest as you ran your fingers over it. You felt a small tear of happiness fall out of your eye. You smiled wide to yourself before hearing a branch snap behind you. It was still early, around 6am, the sun was still coming up. You squinted your eyes until they fell upon the intruder. You nearly jumped out of your skin as you turned around to face whoever was there.

"Scared Potter?" Instantly Harry knew who it was. He grinned back as he came into view. Draco wrapped his thin arms around Harry and giggled. His platinum hair all messed up and perfect for your fingers to mess around in. Draco's eyes shimmered as they studied yours thoroughly.

"You wish," said Harry as they smiled before both leaning into a kiss that was slow but desperately needed.

They lived happily ever after.

The end.

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