Secret Admirer

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***Set around Half Blood Prince***
Harry couldn't quite wrap his head around why his feelings were all over the place here lately. Most days he would be fine, he'd be hanging out with Hermione and Ron sometimes even Hagrid. But what was really off putting to him was when he saw Draco Malfoy.

His heart rate sped up and his breathing, if on command, stopped. He'd shake his head and go about his business, thinking absentmindedly about the events prior. Ron and Hermione had since noticed his strange behavior but usually left it not wanting to ruin his mood.

Today was an extremely harsh day for the young wizard. Classes were awful, Snape decided to make him stand in front of the class uttering spells over and over until he was almost tongue tied. Hagrid lost a dragon he had hatched so he had Harry helping him. He spent most of the day looking for it. And once again he saw the mysterious blonde.

He was sitting in the library on one of the benches overlooking a window in the back. His legs laying in front of him latched at the ankles. Casually reading something Harry couldn't quite figure out the title of from where he was standing.

His figure looked - relaxed. Almost as if he was in a melancholy mood. Which isn't very often sadly. Harry eyes slowly made their way down to see Malfoy's thin, bony fingers and noticed how they weren't just holding the book like one normally does, they were gripping it for dear life. His knuckles going a pale white shade, paler than he already was.

A mental image Harry knew he'd want to remember later for reasons unbeknownst to him in the moment.

His eyes drifted once more and noticed that as Draco was reading, he would stick his tongue out in deep concentration. Flicking it back and forth across his lips. A small vein popping out here and there on his neck. "Bloody hell," Harry muttered with a small groan.

But of course he must have said that just a tad too loud because as soon as the words escaped the boys thin lips, the blonde let go of the book and spun around. He was accompanied by a shocked face. It was as if he was embarrassed that Harry had found him enjoying himself reading in the library.

Once their eyes were locked, a wave of emotion was sent straight through the brown headed boy. He could barely see Malfoys face as he quickly grabbed his belongings and stumbled out of the nearly empty library. Harry sat with his back against the bookshelf he had been hiding behind. He then sighed not knowing what exactly had just happened moments prior.

So he was now sitting in his four poster bedroom on his bed thinking about the day. He didn't understand why. Why was he always getting flustered and nervous around Draco? He was straight! Right?

He had too many nerves to calm down. Maybe he was gay maybe he wasn't. Maybe that would explain all of his strange and new feelings towards the boy. He got up from his bed and went to sit at his desk thinking it would be a better spot to think.

He spun around in his chair after a few minutes of thinking. His face had fallen in his hands and his eyes were closing.

As if on cue, there was a loud tapping sound coming from Harry's square window directly in front of his desk. His head shot up in shock as he gathered himself and went to open it, letting the owl fly in and sit down on his bed. Harry noticed the owl had a white envelope with a green wax seal attached to his tiny leg. "Thank you," Harry muttered.

The owl simply nodded and sat there not moving. "He must really want me to open this bloody envelope now," Harry thought. As he sat down at his desk once more, his back hitting the back of the chair harder than he anticipated, he examined the curious letter.
Who on earth would send an owl at a time like this? The poor owl couldn't gotten lost in the dark.

He finally got the courage to tear it open. The letter fell out on his mahogany desk with a thud. Out pouring what seemed to be a poem. Harry took a deep breathe and began to read. It read;

I think about you everyday
I plan out what to say
You have no idea, you have no clue
Just how much I think about you.
I try not to stare, I try not to hide
I try not to show that I have always lied
If I had told you before
Perhaps you might not be the same.

I want to tell you how I feel
But the voices inside make me hush
So I keep it down inside my heart
Hoping that nothing falls apart
Wherever you go, I will follow
But sadly, ever, only I will know
I hope my heart will never be broken
All because of my love, unspoken

Xx Your Secret Admirer

As he read it, Harry noticed the handwriting. It was the most berthing he had ever seen. The letters looped together forming beautiful sentences. He only wished he could write that beautiful.

Harry's eyes nearly fell out of his head as he finished reading. His glasses had fallen off in shock as Harry couldn't quit moving them. Thinking this was a joke, he started laughing. "Who on earth would send me this? Me of all people. Who seriously just sent me a- a love poem?? Who is my secret admirer?" Harry spoke.

He sat at his large desk with the poem in his hands. He read it over and over and over again until he wouldn't do anything else. He had to figure out who it was. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to write back?" He thought as he quickly grabbed a quil and some paper from the desk drawer.

Dear my Secret Admirer,


Should I continue this? Comment if you'd like that!

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