Just Practicing

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The school years seemed to pass all too quickly. It was now third year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were still occasionally rude or snippy to the other everyday. That's just how they were. No one questioned it at all really. They just let it happen.

Deep down Harry kept a secret, one that he didn't feel like sharing with the world. He was already "the boy who lived." He didn't need anything else for people to talk about.

Harry could read minds. Not everyones minds, no. Just certain people he was interested in. He could listen to Hermione, who's mind was usually filled with Ron, her strange cat, Crookshanks and he who must not be named. Also a lot of studies. Always a mind full of studies.

Then there was Ron. His mind was usually filled with jokes from his twin brothers Fred and George. Or snacks and how much he disliked the "Malfoy git," as he says it in his mind. Harry is also in his mind too. Friends are amazing things to have, Harry thought.

But there was a certain someone that Harry couldn't get his mind through to, Draco Malfoy. He tried and tried but every single time, it was like there was some sort of barrier not letting him inside. Like Draco was hiding something deep down he didn't want getting out. Harry didn't stop though, he kept on trying to no luck of course.

It was now Monday morning, which meant it was time for Hagrid's first lesson as Care For Magical Creatures teacher. Everyone had met at his hut before walking in a big group to where Hagrid was leading them. As they reached the area, Hagrid told everyone to open their books but to no avail Draco couldn't get his opened.

"And how are we to do that?" He asked sneering.

"You have to stroke the spine O' course." Hagrid huffed and walked away chuckling to himself. Leaving Draco quite annoyed, he tried to stroke the spine but nothing happened. He shot a disgusted look of annoyance at Hagrid before walking back to Crabbe and Goyle with the rest of the group.

"I thought it was funny," Hermione states to Harry from across the field. 

"Oh yeah, terribly funny." Muttered Draco getting the crowds attention. "God this place has gone to be dogs. Wait until my father hears they've got this oaf teaching classes" he chuckled.

"Shut up Malfoy," Harry interrupted as he stalked forward towards Draco dropping his bag onto the ground.

Draco just chuckled as he threw his bag at Goyle and tilted his head a small bit grinning at the golden boy before him. He then started to walk rather seductively towards Harry, taking long strides. Making sure to keep his gaze the entire time for what reason, he doesn't quite know.

As he gets closer to Harry, standing with their noses only inches apart, his eyes slowly flick to and from Harry's lips. Harry seemed to not notice as Draco quickly tried to hide his face as he bit his bottom lip and turned away, going back to the lesson. He stood in the back so no one could ask what exactly that was.

Harry quickly rejoins his groups to see an utterly confused Ron and Hermione. "What the bloody hell was that?" Muttered Ron. "I'm not quite sure but something's up with Malfoy, Harry." Hermione finished. Harry turned to look at Draco one last time before going back to Hagrid's lesson.

As the sky was now turning a dark blue, the students were all back in their dorms. Dinner finished half an hour ago. Harry was sitting on top of his bed in the Gryffindor dorms when all of a sudden he heard a light tapping sound. He looked up to see Hedwig at his window, with a letter grasped in her talons. He took it and thanked her before she flew out the window back to the owlery.

Upon opening it, he noticed a familiar wax seal of green with a snake in the middle. Once opened, he knew exactly who it was from, Draco. As he read it he was filled with excitement but also confusion.

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