That Time in Diagon Alley

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Hi loves! This is my first Drarry one shot in this book! I hope you enjoy! Xoxo


It was an exciting time for Harry Potter. He had just turned 11 at the stroke of midnight and he received his Hogwarts letter. Just then he was greeted by a giant looking man with a very unkept beard named Hagrid. After learning about his family history of being wizards, Hagrid had grabbed him up and went to get all of Harry's school supplies.

"Diagon Alley! A place every witch or wizard can get anything they need! For a price of course!" He winked at Harry.

"What kind of price, Hagrid?"

"Your soul" Harry blinked rapidly

"I'm just kidding boy. Oi, you just need some galleons. That's all." He snickered. "But Hagrid, I - I don't have any G- galleons as you said." He swayed back and forth on his two feet.

He looked up to see a chuckling Hagrid above his tiny frame. "Blimey Harry, you didn't think your parents would leave you with nothing did ya?" He shook his head. "Well come on then. Let's go to your vault." "My what?" He muttered as they turned and entered Gringots bank.

Moments later they returned back to the streets of Diagon Alley. Harry's pockets jingling with galleons making sounds all around. "Hagrid, so all of that back there in my vault is, is mine?" Hagrid shook his head with a grin. "O course! They wanted you to have the best after they were gone. But they did tell me to tell you that one day when you come down to get it, you have to keep most of it there. You can't just walk in and plan on spending it all. Gotcha?" He shook his head in agreement.

They continued walking up and down the streets, stumbling into shops all around.Taking everything in all around them. "Okay Harry so we have your wand, all of your books, your bag, and oh no, you still need a robe! Come on Harry let's go!"

As they turned on their heels they came upon a small shop on the corner sitting between Olivander's wand shop and some restaurant muggles would despise greatly. Harry looked through the window and he couldn't believe what he saw, coffee EVERYWHERE. But not the good kind, no it was Starbucks. The worst (my fave oops) coffee in the muggle world. Harry shuddered and went to stand with Hagrid.

Harry saw Hagrid turn and look behind him quickly before turning back to a confused Harry. "Harry, How 'bout cha go ahead inside while I go over here to that shop?" Harry pleaded with large eyes that he didn't want to be alone in a huge place like this. People walking around in large groups. He knew he would get kidnapped or something like the muggles say.

Hagrid saw the look flash upon his small face. "It'll be no time at all. Maybe you'll make a friend who knows. I'll be there in just a minute. You'll be alright!" And with that, Hagrid staggered away to an unknown shop.

Harry spun around frantically not knowing where exactly to go, that was, until he looked directly in front of him at the big sign above his head. "Madam Malkins Robe Shop" He took a deep breath and went straight inside.

As soon as he entered, he noticed a sweet aroma of vanilla immediately filled his nostrils. "Woah" he muttered under his breath. As he took everything in around him, he noticed that it looked to be a very quaint little shop. Full of colorful robes and other wizardry clothing items. He chose not to go straight up front so he just walked around carefully looking at everything, not touching just in case it wasn't allowed.

As he was getting closer towards the back of the shop where the robes were held, he heard a quaint voice from the dressing rooms. He tried not to listen but the voice was too cute not to listen.

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