Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you want to take the train?" Severus asked his daughter as they sat in the kitchen in their home at Spinners End. This was the umpteenth time he had asked Isabelle, and she was getting annoyed. Granted she had been having issues with her 'problem'. But the new potion her father had made seemed to be working.

Looking at her father as she sat her tea cup down, she sighed. "For the last time dad, yes. I'm sure. I promised Daphne I would be there since I didn't see her all summer." she replied.

"Well just make sure to take a vial of your potion before you go to the train station." Severus replied. He stood up and headed kissed her on the forehead. It was the night before school started again, and he had to be there before students arrived. "I'll see you tomorrow night then."

Isabelle told her father goodbye, and he flooed to Hogwarts. Thankfully, Pettigrew wasn't there, and she had the house to herself, which she had grown accustom to during this time of year. She soon got ready for bed after making sure all of her belongings she needed were packed, and fell asleep shortly after.

{Time skip to the train ride to Hogwarts}

After getting to Kings Cross Station and being dropped off by the house elf, Isabelle boarded the train as she looked for Daphne. She was one of the last to board, and wasn't paying attention to where she was going, when she bumped into someone.

"Oh. sorry. I-" she stopped mid sentence as she looked up and saw none other than Draco, standing in front of her. Pansy and Blaise were behind him, and watched the two.

"Don't worry about it, Is- Snape." Draco replied, avoiding eye contact as he spoke. "Just watch where you're going next time." He left, and went to another section of the train with his two colleagues. As they passed, Pansy glared at Izzy, while Blaise winked at her.

Shaking the encounter off, she found Daphne, along with the younger Greengrass sister, Astoria, settled in a compartment, and she joined them. As soon as she sat down, Daphne spoke.

"I saw you run into Malfoy." she said as Izzy took a seat. "What did he say to you?"

Isabelle gave her friend a warm smile and shrugged. "Nothing out of the ordinary." she lied. "I don't pay attention to him anyways."

Normally, Draco was a major prat to her. But this time, it was different. Isabelle wonderd why he suddenly changed his attitude. Then again, she didn't mind it. After all, she had been thinking about him a lot over the summer.


Arriving at school, Isabelle got off the train with the Greengrass sisters, and headed for the castle. Since Voldermort was a major threat, the school was guarded by members of the Ministry, and security was a bit tight. Thankfully, Isabelle was already aware of this fact, thanks to her father.

Getting to the Slytherin table, she took a seat and looked up at the professor, spotting her dad, giving him a small smile and nod. Then she noticed that Draco hadn't arrived yet. But before she could even think anything, the blond came in and took his seat, sitting in the only vacant spot next to her. This made Izzy a bit nervous, until she noticed he was zoning out a bit, ignoring those who tried to speak to him. She glanced at him and frowned, wondering what happened to him after she left the manor the night he received the Dark Mark.

Then the announcement of her father not being Potions Professor this year, snapped her out of her thoughts, and she looked towards the front of the room. Some old guy named Slughorn, was taking over that position, and her father was going to be the Dark Arts professor.

"That's bullshit." she mumbled. How could they take away her father's job and give it to some old man?

"Yeah it is." Draco said. She looked at him, but he was looking at the professors. Then he looked at her, leaning closer, so only she could hear. "I need to talk to you alone. Come down to the common room at midnight." he said, then went looked away as of nothing happened.

Isabelle stared at him for a few moments. Was this some kind of joke? Or was he serious? Well, she would find out tonight.

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