Chapter 5

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Once kicking all the shitty adults, aside from the accountant that we needed. And Todo, because he wanted to stay. We began talking about our next plan of action.

"So we're still taking Kudelia to Earth" Dante asked

"Yeah, the only problem is we don't know a way to Earth without being caught by Gjallarhorn." Biscuit said

"I may know the perfect route" I spoke up. Everyone looked at me in shock and disbelief

"And why should we listen to you" Eugene said

"Well I'm actually from Earth and have traveled between the two planets plenty of times" I added

"How can we be sure you're telling the truth, you seemed pretty close to those first group bastards. You could be leading us into a trap." He argued

"Give me a break Eugene, you still don't trust me"

"You're the one keeping secrets from the everyone, what did that mean about you paying them"

"I was desperate and needed somewhere to stay, they didn't want to hire me so I bribed them. Happy"

"I don't believe you, if you really had enough money you could've went somewhere better"

"What the fuc-"

"Enough you two" Orga cut me off, slammimg his hand on the screen

"(BN) if you do know a way to get to Earth without running into Gjallarhorn we'd greatly appreciate it." Biscuit said kindly, at least someone had manners. I began explain the best way to Earth, telling them places to avoid, where the space pirates lurked and other important things.

"If you're from Earth, why are you on Mars." Biscuit asked. This question seemed to gather the attention of everyone in the room.

"Oh! I ran away" I say casually, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.There was a chorus of 'whats' and 'whys' but I paid them no mind. "My family weren't being fair so I left"

"So your just so spoiled brat that didn't get their and decided to run away." Eugene sneered

"You wouldn't understand" I say

"Of course we wouldn't, we don't have parents" He said back. That seemed to shut everyone up. The tension in the air was thick.

"I get it, you guys are orphans who probably never knew their parent, and it may seem like I'm being a brat, but you don't know what I've been through or what my situation is." I stormed out the room.

"Hey!" I heard as someone grabbed my forearm. That someone turned out to be Orga."Calm down, you didn't do anything wrong, alright"

"Orga, he's infuriating, how can you guys put up with him"

"You get used to it" I sighed hearing this. I didn't want to get used to this annoying bastard.

"Look don't worry, After sticking up for us, we've realized you're not as bad as we thought" he scratched the back of his

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