Chapter 10: Welcome To Brazil

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I kneeled down in front of Jeremy, smiling, "I'll see you in a few days, okay?" He nodded, smiling. I pulled him into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you, mommy." He said.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Jeremy." I said, kissing his forehead.

He pulled away, "See you soon!"

I stood up, ruffling his hair, "See you soon, love." He ran over and stood beside Antonella, who was holding Thiago's hand. I walked over to her and gave her a hug, "Thank you for everything. I owe you one."

She hugged me back, "It's for your own good, so don't you ever feel like that you should owe me."

I smiled at her kind words. I pulled away, "I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, have fun." She said, winking at Neymar. I looked at Neymar to see him winking back at her.

"What's with all the winking?" I asked in confusion.

"Nothing. I just had something in my eye." Antonella said, blinking a few times.

"Okay... ?" I raised an eyebrow at her before averting my gaze to Thiago. "Bye, Thiago." I leaned down to kiss his cheek.

He giggled, hugging me, "Bye, auntie!"

I pulled away, smiling, "You two stay out of trouble, okay?" I looked at Jeremy and Thiago.

"Mommy, please, my middle name's trouble." Jeremy said, grinning.

We all laughed, "Yeah, yeah, bye."

"TAM Airlines now boarding for São Paulo." The intercom announced.

"That's us." Neymar said, looking at me.

I nod, "I'll see you guys soon." We hugged goodbye once more before Neymar and I headed into our flight. I sat by the window with Neymar on my right. We were flying first class, but then again, that shouldn't be surprising. Neymar put his bag in the overhead compartment before sitting down on the seat beside me. I was too busy staring out of the window and didn't realize that he was calling my name. "Huh?" I looked at him.

He chuckled, "Everything alright?"

"Oh... Uh, yeah." I said, even though I was a terrible liar and that sounded pretty damn unconvincing, so way to go, Tori!

"You're an awful liar, Tori."

I pouted, "I'm not!"

"Was that a lie too? Because I wasn't buying that."

I hit him playfully, "Jerk."

"Yeah, but you love me anyway." He said, poking my side.

I laughed, "Unfortunately, I do."

"Unfortunately? Geez, thanks." He mumbled.

I smiled, "Yeah, yeah, I love you." I kissed his cheek. He seemed surprised by that sudden action, "Sorry." I quickly apologized.

"No, don't worry about it. I know it's hard to resist someone like me." He said, grinning.

"It was just a friendly gesture, Neymar."

"Was it, now? So, you wouldn't mind if I did this?" He asked, kissing my cheek.

I gasped, "Why'd you do that?"

"It's a friendly gesture." He winked at me.

The flight took off a few minutes later. We didn't do much besides watch romantic comedies which made me complain about how my life wasn't like a romantic comedy. The sun had already set, and the sky was turning a dark shade of blue.

I didn't remember much, besides falling asleep on Neymar's shoulder instead of the pillow that was provided. I was warm for some strange reason, it's not that I was complaining or anything. It felt nice. I opened my eyes to find most of the lights switched off in the plane. The only light was coming from the closed cockpit and all the way at the back, where the flight attendants were. There was also the light from the TV from some people's seats, which illuminated their faces. The rest were either talking quietly or sleeping.

I realized my head was resting on Neymar's shoulder. I slowly shifted my head up to look at him. He was asleep with his head on top of mine. I smiled. He looked so adorable. There was a blanket covering our waists but the the thing that kept the both of us warm were our hands. One arm lay still on his lap while the other was placed on top of my hand on the arm rest.

I used my other hand to gently brush against his cheek. A smile immediately made its way to his face. I leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek, letting my lips linger for a while. He shifted slightly, making me pull away quickly and close my eyes.

"Tori?" God, his voice sounded dead sexy. I pretended that I was asleep, evening out my breaths. He pressed a kiss on my hair before resting it back on top of mine. I smiled. It was only a friendly gesture but it made me feel something indescribable. I pushed that thought out of my head before falling back asleep. Later, I felt someone pole my side, "Wake up, sleeping beauty." I groaned, using my hands to hit whoever it was. "Hey, ow, ow, ow!" I opened my eyes and looked at Neymar.

"What? What'd I do?" I asked.

"More like what didn't you do? What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his knuckles.

"Oh, yeah, right. You don't wake me up, alright? I'll get hella pissed."

"I realize that now." He muttered under his breath.

I laughed, "Oh, you love me, Ney!" I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

He laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Yeah, that I do."

We stayed in that position for a few minutes, before I let go of him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will shortly be landing in São Paulo. We hope you've had a wonderful flight and we thank you for choosing to fly with TAM Airlines."

A few minutes later, Neymar looked out of the window, smiling.

"We're here."

I looked outside the window. It was breathtakingly beautiful. There were colorful buildings surrounded by greenery and beaches.

"Wow." I said in awe.

"I know, right? Just wait until we get to Rio." We landed fifteen minutes later. We left the plane, headed over to immigration and then baggage claim. Once we had collected our belongings, we made our way outside the airport. "Welcome to Brazil, princesa." He said as he looked in front of us before looking at me, and flashing his famous smile.

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