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"Good morning Tones," Steve said softly as to not be too loud for the morning. He was laying next to Tony in bed, his arms wrapped around him, and their legs intertwined. Tony was slowly awakening from his heavy sleep, the first good sleep he's gotten in a few days since he's been working hard in his lab on a new suit. Steve always hated when Tony would lock himself down in the lab, Tony wouldn't eat or sleep, and Steve despised Tony's poor habits.

"Steve, it's too early," said Tony as he wrapped his arms around his supersoldier, man candy, and closed his eyes again in hopes to go back into his sleep trance.

"Not on our anniversary, come on playboy it's time for your anniversary gift," Tony immediately popped up from his laying down position and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. Steve then pulled a small velvet box out of his nightstand drawer and showed it to Tony.

"I know it's not the best gift, but it'll have to do," Steve smiled and handed the box over to the brunette. Tony rubbed his eyes before opening the small, velvet cube.

"Better be good, Rogers, I'm not dating you for some cheap, old gift," Steve chuckled at the sarcastic remark and motioned for Tony to continue opening the box.

Inside the box was a ring, it had a small circle in the middle of the band, that was etched to look like Cap's shield. Tony smiled at the ring,

"Perfect, now I'll be able to mark my-" Tony looked up and cut himself off from speaking when he noticed his star-spangled boyfriend, had now moved off of the bed and was now down on one knee.

"Steve-" Tony was speechless, his hands began to sweat a bit, and he gripped the ring box even harder than before. Steve then cut off Tony from talking.

"Tony before you say anything, let me just say this. I know you're not the marriage type, or you may not even feel this way about me. But Anthony Edward Stark, I may not be the perfect man for you, but I will never leave your side, I will never stop protecting you, and more importantly, I will never stop loving you. With that said, Tones, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband, and making my life complete by marrying me?" Steve took a deep breath after his small speech, a tear dripped down from his eye which he quickly wiped away.

Tony wasn't the crying type. In fact, Steve has only seen him cry once, and that was after a severe anxiety attack Tony had in the middle of the night, which caused him to wake up screaming crying in Steve's arms. But in this very moment, on the day of their 2 year anniversary, the day where Steve Rogers proposed, Tony Stark was in fact, crying. Steve would have to tell Natasha to mark it in the calenders.

"Stevie, fuck yes I will marry you," Tony exclaimed while jumping up and throwing his arms around his new fiance, surprisingly, nearly causing Steve to topple over. Steve returned the hug after gaining some balance. The two newly engaged Avengers were kneeling on the ground embraced in each other's arms.

"I love you, Steve," Tony pressed a hard, passionate kiss onto Steve's lips. In the kiss, Steve could feel a small smile forming on Tony's lips, and Tony soon released from the moment of passion between the two.

"Wait, this is great and all Steve, but it's gonna make the gift I got you seem shitty," Tony slipped out of Steve's arms and leaned over the bed to reach his nightstand opposite Steve's. He pulled a small drawstring, velvet bag out and started to hand it over to Steve but before passing it off completely he stopped for a second.

"Now this isn't a proposal and it isn't all that grand and expensive but like, happy anniversary Stevie," Tony smirked and handed off the bag. Steve took it and slowly pulled the strings, he reached in and pulled out two small metal plates attached to a stainless steel chain, the dog tags read "James B. Barnes 32557038" along with some other information.

"Bucky's dog tags? Where on earth did you find these?" Steve had a huge smile on his face and clenched the dog tags in his hands tightly.

"I have my ways." Tony cracked a soft little smile, Steve grabbed Tony swiftly and took him into a deep kiss. After a minute, Steve released and ran his hands through Tony's brown locks.

He pressed another kiss to Tony's forehead,

"We're in this together baby."

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